Tax breaks for Splash Damage

(shibbyuk) #1

Congratulations. What will you be spending the extra money on??

Or are you all, like me, partial to a nice vintage Cider? In which case it’s swings and roundabouts :frowning:

(Princess Stomper) #2


Well, I would.

(.Chris.) #3

Hopefully doing their jobs.

(brbrbr) #4

good news.
and actually best way to support both local economics and particulat part of it.

(mikelangelo11) #5

I thoroughly enjoyed that, well done…I read the whole thing. That was very well-written.

(Exedore) #6

[QUOTE=Princess Stomper;219919]Beer.

Well, I would.[/QUOTE]
They very cunningly raised the tax on alcohol and cigarettes.

(brbrbr) #7

how about launch rocket 2 stars ? as promo for Brink game.
not taxed yet and even UK Gov’t itself participated.

(redbeardraven) #8

Great read! Hope to see more coming from the other side of the Atlantic in the future. I would like to believe that Splash Damage is spending some of that extra dough on a few extra Tiddy Bears. Yes, it is an actual item. Brilliant!

(brbrbr) #9

nah, Robot Chiken TV Show shows better approach 4 this product usage.

(offwrk007) #10

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