symlink g++ version

(king_troll) #1

anyone know how to set the g++ version so you can use g++ in termal for the verison you want to use. i cant remember, and google sucks

(Violator) #2

I thought god was omniscient.

(king_troll) #3

no god could care for linux, good or bad… the execute in terminal works on opensuse

amiga workbench is more practical and easier to use

(Violator) #4

I used to use GCC a long while back for some C coding but not used g++ I’m afraid. lol @amiga workbench :slight_smile:

(king_troll) #5

you still spend 90% of your time typing in command lines then actually doing anything on the linux desktop, if it wasnt free it would be a waste of space

sdk uses g++ 4.1 when you type scons, but the build fails

(king_troll) #6

you have to exportscript in linux game to build the, and probaly the same for mac for the build fails, the export .cpp are not crossplatform

need to drop the console and the mainmenu and type developer 1 first