Sustaining 'fun'

(Hansi) #41

My points are listed here just in case you did not see them. Amd I repeat those points even if some call me an idiot. I don’t care :slight_smile:

But at the same time, let’s not forget it is an alpha and it is way to early to evaluate if the game will make fun or not.

(ImageOmega) #42

A lot of the big points have already been said. So, we can focus there. I think the same things are actually being said over and over in thread after thread, but hopefully this big thread consolidates the overarching ideas.

[QUOTE=pulley;446214]EV: should move on its own. Should get faster with more Teammate surrounding
Carrying Obj. Should just be able to pick them up without pressing a stupid button…[/QUOTE]

This is an interesting idea. I’m not 100% sure I am for or against it, but having the EV move on its own would give players a choice of pushing forward or defending the EV. Plus the barricades already bring the EV to a dead stop, so it makes them much more valuable to defend/construct.

Also, anything that makes the EV move faster is a plus in my book. Much faster. The EV shouldn’t have to take 15-20 minutes to go around the map (without barricades or other contention).

Absolutely, agree with reverting back to the old carry mechanics. Also, less carryable objectives. If we’re so bent on carryable objectives, let’s just go for a straight up doc run map. Marrying objectives into a single map does not make the map or gameplay better. Keep it simple. Less is more. Yada yada yada…

(MrFunkyFunk) #43

I agree with most of the points from BomBa, Shifty & Kendle.

I also do have a problem with the maps, One thing that I keep wondering is why did you go for something as boring as a dirty bomb ( / 3rd intro paragraph is interesting. Basicly it just ruins the current objective background design for me) in modern London with no team distinction or original characters. In my opinion the result is the same boring uninventive design of any generic modern fps. I couldn’t care less about the non-adventurous western “corner-of-my-street” picture.
I expect a lot more from you on the map issue and I’m confident you’ll manage to give us open maps with intelligently designed side roads & objs. Make us travel, give us some variety of landscapes, destruction, verticality, etc

I’m just out of a few games: another huge grip for me: please clean the HUD of every pointless info there is. I don’t like having nameplates in the way of everything ALL the time, I certainly don’t like either being spotted because of my nameplate (and tracked/killed based on it).

(k0k0nat) #44

The game is incredible fast, while my performance stays very poor. It feels like I got a huge handicap with my low fps in all situations. If I join a 6v6 match, and all 6 players rush in at the same time, I cant do nothing. It just lags as hell and everything happens so fast that I cant react.

This is the result of odd mouse behaviour and bad perfomance problems. It completly kills my fun sometimes.

I cant really tell if the game is “too fast”, because I never fell like I am playing the game how it is supposed to be.

The other things that bother me:

  • Tank moves SUPER slow
  • Only airstrike feels usefull against the tank, throwing nades on it is just “meh”, but field ops class atm feels totally lame
  • I often feel like I am the only one trying to do the objective while others are playing “Medic TDM” ( And they get rewarded for this. )
  • Spawn times are way to short

(OwNLY) #45

Fun in a FPS game:

Working game mechanics (hitreg, lag, etc.), good performance, customizable HUD (CROSSHAIRS!!!11one),
balanced gameplay (not like the shotgun was for some time),
and bugfree (i know, this is alpha stage and i can expect bugs. But Bugabusers are annoying).

When the game is technically o.k. and working, i can enjoy playing it. Otherwise i ragequit after a few sessions.

Then i want targets to shoot. The more skilled the other players are, the better.

(Ashog) #46

Instead of reposting, a link to post in another thread with suggestions:

(BomBaKlaK) #47

[QUOTE=Ashog;446252]Instead of reposting, a link to post in another thread with suggestions:[/QUOTE]

100 % Agreed with the old T-bagger from outerspace

(RasteRayzeR) #48

well, there has already been a lot of things mentioned before with which I agree, but for me I think what I would love to see is more players per server. 12 players is clearly not enough IMO. Could we have 16 to 18 slots per server ?

Also for the moment many maps turn into meat grinders since in the alpha there are mostly pro players crushing the rest. I’m not the kind to rage quit easily, that’s why I can play more than 2 rounds I suppose.

Another point : GET SOME F****** SPACE AROUND THE EV ! Always get blocked in the way, which means getting immobilized, which means insta death.

Finally for sure it is still early in the alpha, much content is yet to come with variations and improvements. Perhaps my only advice to you guys at SD would be to make it funnier. Right now it’s too serious, you die and pouf, respawn to die again. Don’t make DB realistic, make it surrealistic ! I loved W:ET because you got to see guys going nuts with the VSAY, panzer jumping, go berserk in the action and mass kills, because the announcements were full of jokes, etc …

I miss that level of WTF in DB, but I feel like DB can become my favorite game ever, I just feel it.

(OwNLY) #49

The veteran server has just been reduced to 12 slots if my memory is right.
Have to say i like it that way.

(RasteRayzeR) #50

[QUOTE=OwNLY;446271]The veteran server has just been reduced to 12 slots if my memory is right.
Have to say i like it that way.[/QUOTE]

That’s a formality ^^ My point in my post is really to get DB funnier by adding some WTF elements in it.

(Breo) #51

Most of my points are already posted but those are my concerns:


[li]Claustrophic areas
[/li][li]Weapon balance, decrease damage and-/or RoF
[/li][li]Lack of game modes/types, we have TDM and SW is basicly 2x OBJ mode with small differences
[/li][li]Increase magazine for some weapons (after removing the ammo depots and ammo gib you get out of it very fast for some weapons)
[/li][li]Maps too linear especially the ones with the EV
[/li][li]Spawntimes, mostly defenders are too quick at the object
[/li][li]Revive shield
Technical issues

[li]Performance, huge FPS drop depending on the amount of players
[/li][li]Crosshair not consistant, negative acceleration kicks in when low FPS
[/li][li]Hitreg, high ping players are able to kill you around the corner

[/li][li]Glitchers (players who abuse bugs during the game, clear example is when you were able to pause or teleport the team)

[li]Full holds
[/li][li]Sometimes the labels from the UI get in the way :mad:

(INF3RN0) #52

I find DB’s netcode to be superb, but that’s mainly the only reason I feel inclined to play. Playing ETQW again there’s just so much to do and so many choices to make. The classes have purpose, there’s more to focus than just killing everyone and waiting for the obj guy, solo play is punished a lot more, the maps offer tons of positions to play (even in the relatively small areas, the maps are clean and easy to move across (even terrain changes) and interact with, the objectives/objective rooms feel exciting (idk how to explain it), the movement is fluid, the weapons give you time to react and you can literally feel every shot hit, the weapons all feel different too, and of course the longer spawn times make every decision feel more important and the game more team oriented.

(tokamak) #53

Biggest source of fatigue and boredom is that the fighting is the same everywhere. The confrontations are all highly similar and repetitive and the geometrical context in which they take place seems to be irrelevant or only relevant in a map-by-map comparison.

That’s what’s jading about this game. Because the fights are all so similar the player feels that his input doesn’t really matter. It’s not like ETQW where each individual on each team is constantly probing the other team for soft spots to get leverage on the map. DB lacks very little means to gain traction in this way. You can’t really grab hold on to a specific location, find a clever defensive position and use it against any invaders. ETQW was great in that and even W:ET did it quite well. But somehow in DB that whole idea of taking hold of a position and fighting over it is bypassed by the ease of moving and avoiding fire through that.

It all just seems very inconsequential. It’s similar to Brink in that regard. Only much faster and lethal.

(k0k0nat) #54

[QUOTE=RasteRayzeR;446267]well, there has already been a lot of things mentioned before with which I agree, but for me I think what I would love to see is more players per server. 12 players is clearly not enough IMO. Could we have 16 to 18 slots per server ?


I agree on that, but raising the slots would be even worse a for a lot of ppl. with performance problems. 9on9 would be a nightmare for me. I just hope for the best, when talking about performance updates :wink:

If it works, FLOOD THE SERVERS :smiley:

(Anti) #55

[QUOTE=tokamak;446280]Biggest source of fatigue and boredom is that the fighting is the same everywhere. The confrontations are all highly similar and repetitive and the geometrical context in which they take place seems to be irrelevant or only relevant in a map-by-map comparison.

That’s what’s jading about this game. Because the fights are all so similar the player feels that his input doesn’t really matter. It’s not like ETQW where each individual on each team is constantly probing the other team for soft spots to get leverage on the map. DB lacks very little means to gain traction in this way. You can’t really grab hold on to a specific location, find a clever defensive position and use it against any invaders. ETQW was great in that and even W:ET did it quite well. But somehow in DB that whole idea of taking hold of a position and fighting over it is bypassed by the ease of moving and avoiding fire through that.

It all just seems very inconsequential. It’s similar to Brink in that regard. Only much faster and lethal.[/QUOTE]

How do folks feel about the concept of holding ground? We originally set out to make this part of the enginner’s role but in balancing the engi’s abilities we’ve lost that a little. I know tough turrets and lots of mines aren’t that popular but is the ‘take and hold’ element missing?

(Violator) #56

Pretty much all has been said, but for me personally:

Dodgy internet connection issues - I recently ‘upgraded’ to fibre and I get random 1-2 minute disconnects throughout the day which seem to be getting worse so not helping things. EDIT: homeplug adapters seem to be to problem…
Servers always empty or one is full or takes 5 goes to connect (possibly due to the above).
Stacking when I do get on a server.
Bad performance even on min settings.
Too many pros spoil the fun, not enough casual players. Need enough players in both camps to keep each side happy, neither really wants to play with the other except the few who like to steamroll.
1 headshot and dead syndrome (was much better in previous patch) from aforementioned pros :). Can’t get the hang of returning the favour as I have no chance to track before I’m dead. Knowing that if I do get a frag I will probably be dead a few seconds later but respawn right away so its pretty inconsequential.
Rambo meds not reviving, but I’ve seen the arguments as to why (lack of revive shield).
Can’t see who has done the objective so doesn’t really feel rewarding.
The locked into planting/defusing thing.
Shoot while carrying jugs again please, even if only with pistol. For jugs, instant pickup but transmit progress.
Rambo meds pwning the server, me being the only non-med doing the obj.
Up close firefights too random and laggy, know I will probably die so have to avoid which is against my nature :).
Movement is still fairly awkward, especially the inability to string jumps together and keep moving.
The slowdown when hit - would love to see this completely removed.
Spawn waves + spawn times too short.
The meatgrind aspect on hack objectives + initial EV build.
Would like more variety than bullet-based weapons - panzer, nade launchers. The soldier also now seems to be the weakest class firepower wise having played the others a bit more - should be the opposite?
Getting a bit bored with the maps as is tbh, as there seems to be one way to do everything, no side objectives so it feels like I’m going through the motions a bit sometimes, though nice to see the changes that are being made between patches. Its been a while since the last patch though. Would like to play CW but server always empty (had two sessions in total I think and I’m a VIP).

(iwound) #57

there are moments in DB for take and hold but are short lived. ie top of escalator area in waterloo.
longer spawn times in waves should sort this.

(INF3RN0) #58

Before it wasn’t done via super strong turrets or mines. It doesn’t seem like that’s what Toka is implying either, but instead more intuitive map structuring than 3 linear hallways to the obj with a couch in the corner.

(warbie) #59

The maps are still overly cramped for my liking and the combat feels too chaotic - the spawn times and ttk resulting in run die, rinse and repeat gameplay. I’m also not a huge fan of multiple objectives - Camden being a good example - as the more objectives a map has the more cheaply ground has to be given away. You know the bit at the beginning of star wars when the rebels are waiting for empire to cut through the door, the waiting, then tension - there’s multiple examples of this in RTCW and ET and pretty much none in DB. That’s when it gets exciting - this is where we stand, this is where we fight! I can remember every detail of the tavern in Village, holding the double doors in Gold Rush, the top of the fort in Beach, the tin roof and NE tower on Base. These were places that were hard fought over. We don’t get that in DB

(Loffy) #60

That was very well said.