At the moment only the top ten players will receive points at the end of the season. Have no fear though as this is merely the default configuration right now, it will be updated and adjusted soon to allow all players earn points. Shoe. is in charge of almost all settings, he holds the power on the pricing of the skins or how many points are awarded after each match. These can be altered on the fly so changes can be made quickly and efficiently if needed. When deciding on all of these values shoe. will take the recommendations of FACEIT into account, but also ask some competitive players what their thoughts are. Note that FACEIT does have its own economy of course so some limits are in place, awarding a million points at once is obviously not possible.
The devs are happy with how many players are using FACEIT and are looking forward to further improve it; there are a truckload of adjustments planned and on the way. They may be implemented step by step instead of one huge update to better evaluate incoming feedback.
Community hubs may happen in future but until all things are set-up and ready to go only the official ones will exist.
The devs have noticed the disappointment when players read that Castle will not be available to play within FACEIT. No explanation given what exactly is holding it back but the good news is that they are reviewing anew how much work it would take to bring it in.
There is a FACEIT event coming up on the weekend.
There are a bunch of news articles going up by press outlets.
Furthermore the devs are going to poke a youtuber called Chaos to give Dirty Bomb a try.
They are keeping an eye on content creators to provide them some goodies they can keep for themselves but also hand out to their viewers.
If you have recently sent shoe. a message over Discord don’t be surprised if you haven’t been given an answer yet. Now that 1.0 is here there is a load of work coming his way in addition to him receiving an abundance of other messages, that’s why there are a few in the backlog.
Shoe. is now streaming from the studio.
Merchandise are planned to release at some point however it’s not shoe’s remit so unfortunately he can’t provide us with more information.