Stream Round-Up: 22nd August 2018



  • During the stream shoe. mentioned he’d leak some info if someone guessed what he was writing today. Despite that nobody got it right, shoe. revealed it nevertheless; he was working on the patch notes for the 1.0 release. He handed us a few bits and pieces from the balance part:

  • The most substantial change concerns explosions and how they function. Damage blocking is being removed entirely, this means that standing behind deployables as well as mercs will no longer negate damage. A big shout out to SrsKap who was able to make this possible. The devs expect there to be a number of players who are going to be be concerned about this adjustment, but nonetheless they are confident in their decision and think it’s a step in the right direction. Note that shoe. did not touch on the actual damage values - presumably these will remain as they are.

  • A total amount of ten mercs are being altered, among them: Nader, Arty, Aimee, Thunder and Vassili.

  • The patch involves further shotguns, melee and machine pistol adjustments.


  • Today’s dev video is a remarkable one and absolutely worth a watch. It holds information about the long awaited trading feature in addition to how the game mode Execution is going along. It’s “a banger.”

  • The devs do not aim to get any youtubers/streamers to play Dirty Bomb on release, they are relying on their partnerships to bring in additional advertisement.

  • Since a week you can apply for the beta access to FACEIT, however it’s merely supposed to notify you once FACEIT is launched; there are no intentions for a beta to take place.

  • Remember, if you want to compete in this month’s art competition, submissions close on the 28th August 2018 so make sure to get them in before that. The next art competition will take place after the 1.0 release.

  • No arrangements to release DB branded peripherals.

  • There won’t be a battle royale mode.

  • When using quick join your MMR rating isn’t taken into account while it’s locating a suitable server for you, it only comes into play during the match when the balancing happens.

  • Shoe. won’t be at gamescom.

  • During the stream shoe. found a dead spider on his cookie box.

  • Also, uhm, this:

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #2

Always knew she was straight :sunglasses:

(HadronZodiac) #3

Or maybe she just has a double life :open_mouth:

(3D Printer) #4

Bisexual love for Nader!

That…came out dirtier than I meant.

(Your worst knifemare.) #5

Is this finally the MP buff we need, but not the one we deserve.



I’m scared…

(Press E) #7

Removing explosive damage blocking? Why? It’s just part of the game, we’re all used to hiding behind a rhino from that proxy mine in the elevator door. Of all the other things they could work on I’m not sure why. Deployables eh, ammo stations and med stations I can understand since they’re so small, but I hope they don’t include turtle’s shield. That thing is already barely useful as it is, at least give it something.
It would be like allowing all bullets to penetrate enemies. It doesn’t really hurt the game, but it’s so pointless either way I don’t understand why they’d feel the need to change it up and force everyone to adapt.

Also relying exclusively on partnerships? Cause somehow that doesn’t sound that great…

(Jigstraw) #8

I just hope ‘melee adjustments’ means well-deserved nerfs for the katana and cricket bat. Maybe even an overall nerf to melee heavy damage (because one hit kills are dumb)

(HadronZodiac) #9

Because if there are 9 people in a tiny ass spot and my javelin rocket hits em, they should all at the very least take facking damage lol

Its pretty obvious they wont, its mechanic is to block stuff…


(boerhae) #10

Excited but anxious. I’m really scared about the Arty changes, I love Arty.

And why the damageblocking change? I wouldn’t say it’s a BAD thing, but it seems so irrelevant. I guess we’ll have to wait and see, but i’m scared

Edit: Also marketing. ALL OF IT. And to any YouTubers or Twitch streamers, even though DB isn’t looking for you guys to partner up with (for some ??? reason ???) please play, upload, and broadcast anyway, we need everything we can get, because…


We have to avoid the Lawbreakers effect


Used to it in this game, yeah, but overall I wouldn’t say I’m used to it at all compared to many other shooters. @HadronZodiac has a good point. There’s really no reason why a Proxy or Sparks should be able to magically absorb all of the splash radius from a rocket, frag, etc. I think ideally the damage changes should account for how many bodies are affected by it and from what distance. So, closest takes ‘x’ amount of damage and then each additional enemy takes a smaller % of damage. Sort of how the radius already works, but it’s now tracking meatshields instead of just proximity. But this does sound like a lot of work to code for…

(HadronZodiac) #12

I was thinking this too, such as a certain amount of damage is removed equivalent to how many people were in the way of the blast.

Eh maybe theyll slowly work on it after 1.0

(Your worst knifemare.) #13

Hopefully Artys changes reduces his spamability.

(boerhae) #14

I agree! :arthink:

(Your worst knifemare.) #15

Thank you.:smirkira:


More damage or radius on his airstrike with a longer cooldown? Damage/radius untouched, but a longer cd? More time to to call in the airstrike itself instead? I kind of think it would be cool to reduce the damage on it, but allow the ability to call it in at an angle. Sort of like dragging the direction it’d come from like Kira’s laser, I guess.

(Z Gako) #17

I think they will increase the time it takes the arty strike to come down. And buff skmething else ti keep it “balanced”
This would also work as an indirect guardian buff since it takes years to activate.

(Press E) #18

Tbh I kinda wish they’d just turn it into one projectile, rather than several that land a fraction of a second apart. They feel kinda inconsistent too so eh, I might me wrong but it doesn’t feel like all the projectiles go to the same spot, which can give some weird results of only taking damage from the last strike or whatever. Plus area denial on arty isn’t really necessary, plenty of other mercs for that


I’m looking forward to this adjustment immensely, can’t wait for the day when frag grenades function again and invincible healing stations are no more. Perhaps it will also allow to lessen the overall spam which can’t hurt.

(B_Montiel) #20

I’d bet a fiver that ranting threads about proxy, fragger and nader are going to intensify right after this damage blocking update. By the way, that’s possibly the biggest change for 1.0, from my very personal point of view.

And I really don’t think that is the wisest change they could do on the flyfor a release. The game is already flooded with explosive spam, if they don’t reduce the effectiveness, that is going to be a problem as damage blocking is MAJOR explosive tempering factor in DB.

@Kirays I really don’t know how giving more humpfff to explosive would reduce spam in any way.