Stop pouring water into the broken pot

(HadronZodiac) #1

I totally enjoy these changes that are being added, but first, we need to fix the shit thats already here!

Phantom - His invisibility is pathetic. In a game like DB, 10% visibility is equal to 100% visibility. If you can see part of the target, you can still shoot it. We need to decrease his visibility to 5%(and make him 100% invisible after 30m), and make his cloak louder by 10%. This will increase his effectiveness of breaching but decrease his effectiveness in just killing someone out of nowhere without counterplay. Also, lets increase his cloak duration by 25% and add an extra 2 seconds to max cooldown, allowing him to navigate the battlefield and get to the position he wishes.

Proxy - We can all agree, shes fucking cancer, the buff was barely needed. A tiny bit less damage only effects mercs like rhino and thunder. The INSANE blast radius makes it quite impossible to survive the blast, even when sprinting and long jumping. Lets increase its sound by 10%, brightness by 10%, and decrease its blast radius by 10%. Also, to finally stomp pizza delivering, reduce damage and blast by 10% when shot. This will also bring down the annoyingness of a mine around the corner when neutralizing it.

Burst Rifles - They are lagging behind auto rifles such as m4a1 and timik. Although better than before, they are still inaccurate and inconsistent.

PDP/Grand/Dreiss - Severely lagging behind other ARs. The pdp has a super slow fire rate now and the damage does not make up for it. Decrease the damage to 42 and increase its RPM to 160, also decreasing its vertical spread by 15%, allowing the user to at least keep his aim on their target. The Grandeur is just extremely inaccurate, forcing you to constantly ADS or fire very slowly, bringing down its DPS insanely. Increase its damage to 38 and decrease its horizontal recoil by 10%. The dreiss is better than the other 2, but still feels inconsistent and inaccurate. I say increase its damage to 27 and decrease its horizontal spread by 10%.

Rarities/RNG/Cards/Etc - Just annoying… I get the devs dont want to change it so here are the needed changes. First, reduce cobalt price to 40k for forging, and decrease its needed fragments to 10k (20k is just fucking ridiculous, especially when current advancement crates give u only 1k assuming u land on it). Decrease needed cost to forge gold to 20k, and leave needed fragments, they are fine imo.

The devs should also introduce a new “reroll” system, giving you the same rarity and merc, but rerolling the loadout. The cost for the reroll should be 1/2 the price of the forging cost, aka it would cost 10k to reroll your gold card. So many times where u forge a nice card but its a trash loadout, you grind to get another and it’s an even worse loadout. Since normal cards wont be tradable, this is pretty much NEEDED.

RNG - Its bad

Quickjoin - Can I ask the reasoning behind it? For quicker match finding? Quickjoin has no balancing systems, it just throws people into a match expecting it to work out. Also so many matches where when making a new one, the teams are lopsided… Id rather wait 3 minutes for a fun balanced match than 3 seconds for a fuck fest…

Vasilli - Reduce exp given for detecting people with radius, even I have to admit its a bit much. Change it to 60 and well all be fine ;p

Ulus - Just plain bad

Interesting thoughts on grandeur /

"The main issues as it is now are (hipfiring) 1. it is not perfectly accurate for the first shot when moving, leading to missing headshots you should have earned. 2. 38 damage is terrible, it has absolutely awful damage thresholds, often leaving people with 2-10hp and requiring an entire additional shot unless they’ve already taken damage. Also balancing it so it can be hipfired effectively without making the ads too OP is important.

I’d suggest giving it back 40 dmg or even nerfing it to 37 damage but then increasing the headshot multiplier to 2.25. Then it can 1 shot headshot 80hp and 1 head + bodyshot 120. But not double bodyshot 80 or triple bodyshot 120 like it can with 40dmg. Make it perfectly accurate, or nearly so, when hipfired even when walking for the first shot. Probably keep the spread the increase/recovery the same, but increase vertical recoil to compensate." - dreisspl

(hawkeyeguy99) #2

Beyond the ARs and maybe burst rifles (not sure on those) I disagree with most of this. Proxy’s are real easy to take down and I die more often due to either my own stupidity in not looking for a mine, or to a shotgun. It’s rare that I get “pizza delivered” anymore.

As for Phantom. I think he’s kinda back where he was before the big changes, pretty much useless. There really is not reason to pick Phantom over Hunter because Hunter can disable from range whereas Phantom has to try to run up there himself.

(BananaSlug) #3

1.You got a point, they should nerf melee, not his shield/visibility.
2.You can hear it, if you run into it you deserve to die. She is cancer because of shotguns not mines.
3.Its your aim lagging behind, not rifles.
4.Again its your aim being bad, not rifles.
5.You dont need skins, its DB is not a charity, just spend money if you want something.
6.You are playing pubs, not ranked.
7.You got that one right.
8.Indeed, all melee weapons should be like that.
9.Its enough to be accurate, you are usually fighting 30m range at max anyway.

in conclusion: git gut, stop complaining

(HadronZodiac) #4

Eh I cant change your opinion, you gotta admit they need to stop pouring in content and fix whats there first tho ;/

Yeah hunter is kinda upgraded phantom, better emp, and if you can get behind the enemy team, you are basically a BEAST.

(HadronZodiac) #5

1 - yep
2 - yeah a lot of the time its the proxy herself not the mines, but the mine is actually pretty quiet (and with the background sound of guns its pretty near to no sound whatsoever) Mostly the br should be nerfed so if u notice it at the last second a skilled player should be able to escape it alive (damaged or not)
3 - I actually have better than average aim, so if the ARs can get a slight buff, the better skill could actually bring the better reward
4 - ^^^
5 - Less people would spend money on a bronze than a gold, I dont really spend money because I know ill get something that is easily obtained without money, I think if the devs gave out things worth our money, theyd get more of it, and be able to improve more.
6 - There is no more ranked m8
7 - Indeed
8 - Indeed
9 - Up to you m8

in conclusion: Anyone with aimbot good skills will do good, lets make the game for average/above average players…

Very few people are 9999/1 KD, make the game for the majority, not the minority m8

(Neotax) #6

Phantom needs a nerf before 1.0 , he is to strong for Public.
He can Shoot 12-15 Bullets Grozni before he gets visable = ez 1 kill
Melee is to strong needs Dmg nerfs and swing time.
And the other problem is you cant see him on different grafic settings.

He needs a Decloak penality cd for Shooting/Knifing
More visable
Why i cant decloak him with Redeye? or Aimee, Vasilli? OR with shoots?
And again Loader sounds when he sprint/walk

(HadronZodiac) #7

Phantom doesnt need the nerf, his melees do, id say slight reduction in damage and maybe slightly slower attack animation

Why penalize using a weapon?
I say spotting him with redeye would be good, nothing other than that though…

Yeah his cloak needs a visibility reduction, and needs to be made louder

(BananaSlug) #8

and the game is made for majority, thats why we have shotguns and spammy m4/crotzni
and other bullshit weapons, if you dont do well with other weapons that require more aim, you just simply suck with them and need to train, you cant just pick dreiss and expect it to be good, give it like a week and get used to it then you will see. It just requires different gameplay/mindset, abuse corners, peak and hide a lot and dont just spam it expecting your godly aim to hit everything.

I know grand feels off, but when you were able to 3 tap pretty much everyone it was betond broken, now it is averge.

And no, pdp is strong and every noob can do well with it.

For skins, why do people even care? just get bronze cards, if not, spend money for gamble (which btw, is way better than it used to be) or obsidans, you will make DB a favor.

(BananaSlug) #9

he has penalty, when you attack you are visible again and get few seconds cooldown.
and i am ignoring the fact that you can spot him from across the map with his “cloak”

(Neotax) #10

He can shoot 10 bullets before he is visable

Dont forget the server Ping and reaction time from the other player

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #11

Lol, we’ve explained how “not-cancer” she is multiple times and you still think that we all agree with you.

(Your worst knifemare.) #12

Even though the katana has higher damage than the rest of the melee’s it’s much slower and would allow Phantom to only do so much damage before he’s noticed and killed.

  1. Honestly I think with invisibility involved there is always going to be situations that feel plain and simple cheap, the devs should probably drop that part entirely and give him something else.

  2. I’m not too bothered with Proxy all that much. Sure, she can be annoying at times but if you think about it there are far worse candidates out there like Fletcher who is so much more ridiculous than her.

  3. A slight buff would be good.

  4. I’m strongly against buffing any of the listed weapons, especially the PDP-70. It’s in need of a nerf if anything. It has an insane fire-rate and yet is capable of one-hitting a Kira upon a headshot. The little recoil that you have to compensate doesn’t make up for it

  5. No opinion.

  6. No opinion.

  7. No opinion.

  8. CMM nor ranked delivered an experience the devs were happy with. I was very surprised of their removal, a lot of work, time and resources went into developing these and outright removing them, especially the long-awaited party feature a lot of players wished for, is quite a drastic move to make. Nevertheless that does have one positive point: Players are no longer split across multiple modes and instead united into one, server browser.

  9. A reduction is appreciated, yes.

  10. All melee (aside from ulu) are too strong in their current state and should receive a nerf, but also the hit registration for some of them should be looked into.

(HadronZodiac) #14

It is 97.5% speed, the same as the bat and i believe the kukri

Also yeah i agree with that, but only reason crutching terrible phantom is his katana, so if they are gonna nerf phantom, they better do it to his melees instead

(HadronZodiac) #15

1 - Yeah, its simply just a broken ability from the start
2 - Its mostly her shotgun bunny hopping and mobile hochfir tearing that annoys me, also with that fletcher statement, indeeed
3 - Yeah ;/
4 - It only has about 120rpm, coupled with high recoil for a suppression sniper rifle, a bolt action is always a better choice compared to the STD (sorry, meant pdp)
5 - I get ur a mod and cant go against the devs so u do u lol
6 - oof
7 - oh my
8 - Im fine with ranked leaving, it wasnt fun, it was more of a waiting for a match simulator, cmm felt better imo, it had better balance, and never really took that long to find a match, and it felt cleaner.
Bringing back quickjoin, half the time ur forced into server browser (aka no balance) because it throws u into a server without any people, it was a bad idea
9 - Yes
10 - Tbh its really just the bat and katana


No, I can have my own opinion about a subject, it’s just that I don’t care enough about the crafting system to fancy a discussion about it. I’d rather tackle something that affects gameplay instead of a feature that only provides you with skins and nothing else.

About melee: I don’t want it to be nerfed to the ground by any means, it doesn’t need such a treatment and I certainly want it to remain a viable option instead of it only being used to gib downed players, however a fairly small damage reduction should be implemented in my eyes. One-hitting or severely hurting an enemy to such an extend that is currently present in-game shouldn’t be a thing. It’s comparable to shotguns in that regard, too little effort for too much damage output, except those are ten times worse.

(Xenithos) #17

I almost completely agreed until that last line:
I think there’s usually quite a bit of effort and skill involved in deliberately choosing to turn to your melee. Especially so in higher level play: Usually if an enemy is that close then it’s a matter of player fault, not a bad form of melee. If you followed that Sparks around the corner and she whacks you with a cricket bat, you chased her and she deserved that kill.
DB personally has one of the best melee systems in a shooter I’ve ever seen. It’s not a guaranteed one shot, but if the other player is being stupid or you’re in a great position it’s a skillful feeling kill.

Also, I know you’re exaggerating but in what way are shotguns too little effort for too much damage output? Is there a difference here between skill and effort? I mean, it’s a single click, sure, that’s less work than tracking someone, but usually it requires multiple clicks, and being able to aim in the first place.


With “too little effort” I ment that you don’t need to aim precisely. If a player outplays the enemy he should be rewarded for that no doubt. My bad, I should have clarified that.

On the topic of shotguns. Exactly, it’s only two clicks to achieve great results. They don’t require tracking (which makes sense since their design isn’t suited for that) so I suppose that makes the argument invalid but there isn’t even a reason to aim for the head whatsoever, infact you are actively discouraged to do so since SD set the focus on body-shots by removing the headshot multiplier altogether. Also something I question: Every single default card has a shotgun equipped on it whenever possible. On the one hand that means that new players are likely to attain a few kills in their first rounds, but on the other hand since they are automatically shoved into using them they never really learn how to track a target, which limits which mercs they are able to play effectively.

(Teflon Love) #19

Agreed. However, the previous match making only offered an option to wait 3 minutes for a “fuck fest”, so I don’t see the preferred variant with waiting 3 minutes for a fun balanced match happening anytime soon.

(GatoCommodore) #20

history has proven itself again and again that if you pander to casual audience everything would be Cowadoody tier gameplay where everything is RNG, and even the RNG is RNG.

if you dont want to get good its fine, but dont encourage other people to not get good.

its not funny when anybody who just picked this game up an hour ago has the same skill ceilling because the skill ceilling is the floor.