Some games I rated has been removed… Arf. Anyway have ET on Steam, with correct packages (Maybe with Legacy) would give ET a second life.
Steam Greenlight is here
Could you explain this some more, and perhaps a link? What are we talking about here?
No clue either. What could ET community throw in there, to get the neccessary support ?
There were Deer Hunter, a old commercial game, I guess added without publisher agreement…
ET is hardly accessible with PB down, 2.55 and 2.60b versions, security issues… You put it ion Steam, you get the Workshop, and then auto-update for the game, the mods, the maps.
I wanted to post the same thing on the forums
Greenlight is a list where you can show your game on steam, this list is visible to all steam users. If you like a game you can vote it and if it gets a certain number of votes, this game will be featured on steam. This would give this awesome game much visibility and would prevent this game from dying.
I think the et community would help with a lot of votes.
To get the game on steam the developer has to do the request. Splashdamage please do something for your game, you will not regret it.
I think it would have to be iD… There’s already Wolf3D, RtCW and ETQW on Steam, why not ET, even if it’s a free game…
I can’t think why iD wouldn’t allow ET to be on Steam but then again I can’t think why iD would care about ET at all, do they get any money from it?
in any case, ET getting on Steam will be a big step in the right direction in terms of getting new players into the game, there are a lot of ET players as it is but with the rise of new games it’s hardly getting as much attention as back in 2003-2006. ET’s been alive and kicking for almost 10 years now so it must prove something about the pure enjoyability of the game to the developers.
side note; if ET made it onto Steamgames, it would be 2.60b right (newest patch)? the biggest problem I see with ET right now is the gap between the 2.55 and the 2.60/b communities. if everyone were playing on the same patch nobody would ever have issues with finding active public servers.
Getting ET on steam is not about earning money with free game, but to get activity and visibility of this free game and also maybe some other splash damage games. Showing products on steam is worth of try, such as worth to give ET some injection of aliveness.
Please add this game on steam.
I don’t think gap between 2.55 and 2.60b is that big issues. The bigger issue is accessibility of ET. ET is already outdated and there is no support from developers. Like my friends had a lot of problem with installing ET even with latest SPU9’s ET Pack. Punkbuster didn’t work, server kicking for no reason and many other technical issues. And of course there is a skill gap between experienced players and newbies :P.
Enemy Territory definitely deserves to be on Steam. It’s a very good game and I think you should give it a chance for all the RTCW and ET lovers sake.
blame pb for that, which is nowadays hardly used anyways. Also there would be one working download for et on steam then I assume.
I’d prefer to see ETLive happening, but Steam can bring more players, too.
PB support is long gone and I doubt it’ll be back at all. the ETPRO community moved to as the anticheat a few years ago so I hope there’s a possibility for this to work with Steam (no idea if there would be problems there). Anyway Steam is surely needed here, if it made it on there, I guess most newbies wouldn’t even have a need for the ET Pack as it’d be auto-updated by Steam quite often? maps, mods, patches and such. but there will always be the people who search google everyday for “wolfenstein enemy territory” and stumble upon SPU9’s ET Pack.
Yes, TZAC is the solution but it supports only etpro and I doubt chlapja will update it but who knows…
TZAC already is quite an actively used project across many games, more than just ET, if chaplja knew ET could be on Steam I’m sure he’d put more effort into supporting other mods as this kinda guarantees more people will need his anticheat that just the competition scene.
ET rocks!! I play other games on Steam and think both steam and ET lovers will win on putting ET on steam.