Splash Damage in 2012 - A Message From Paul Wedgwood

(BioSnark) #21

penguins need nerf

Looking forward to announcements, expecting mobile.

(Verticae) #22

I’ll see it when it gets here. I have to say that since tasting the fruits of the Bethesda partnership, I’m not as easily excited by the prospect of a new Splash Damage announcement.

(Khamul) #23

Ye! We want ETQW2!!!

(DarkangelUK) #24

We have the power to create and destroy the stars themselves… we are gods amongst men.

(Rex) #25

“…the PC as a gaming platform is looking healthier than ever.”

Pinocchio your nose is growing!

In a couple of weeks Splash Damage will announce a new multiplayer titel. After this announcement it will still take at least 2-3 years until it is finished. And than it also got a huge chance to fail like Brink.

If the really release one game this year, it might be Tapir Wars for tablet PCs.
Personally I would appreciate it. :smiley:

(iwound) #26

is this the announcement about the announcements which will talk about more announcements which dont actually announce anthing. ffs just tell us. we can handle it unless its brink2.

hope its ET 3 back to ww2

(Ruben0s) #27

We’ve learned a lot from each of our games, and especially learned from the mistakes that we’ve made too.

Looking at WOLF:ET > ET:QW > BRINK.

(tokamak) #28

Well, see it this way, they didn’t make any mistakes with W:ET and ETQW so there was nothing to learn.

(DarkangelUK) #29

There were enough full hold grinds in ETQW to show that everything wasn’t perfect, regardless of how small or large the issue.

(Loffy) #30


it all sounds so sweet.

“several significant announcements to make in the coming weeks and months”
“revealing new titles”

I wonder what it can be. I hope it will be a multiplayer online shooter for PC.

I am very glad that you managed to establish yourself and your team as well as stay on as a game developer, given that it must be an incredible complex and competitive market.

Set me up on your list if you need closed beta testers.


(Exedore) #31


(Loffy) #32

Instant success: There should be a gym somewhere, and a British Shorthair somewhere, in the game worlds.

(deems) #33

At least make it “ET3: Hello Kitty Island Adventure”?

(Humate) #34

“…the PC as a gaming platform is looking healthier than ever.”

Pinocchio your nose is growing!

It might not be healthier than ever, but games like SC2 and LoL brought it back to being relevant.
And more importantly for objective classed based gameplay, Dice have already done a good job of dumbing it down for the mass audience, so if SD chooses to ride the objective gameplay wave, the new fish have something to transition to without SD needing to destroy their ET model like they did with Brink.

/at least in theory :wink:

(tokamak) #35

HKIA? doesn’t ring a bell.

But that’s not exactly a fault they’ve learned from.

(DarkangelUK) #36

Guess I read your statement wrong, sounded like you were saying there was nothing wrong with W:ET or ETQW.

(Indloon) #37

Second that!

(Patriotqube) #38

Yeah sounds promising

now remember to listen to the end users :slight_smile:

Take the movements, weapons and classes from ET ad all the possibilities we have now to edit stuff put it on a new gamengine with handsom gfx and maybe a few extras

WW2 theme or atleast a wartheme with humans no aliencrap

make it usefull for both the scrim and pubscenes

forget all about a SP make it MP only.

Linux serverbinaries

and il preorder it :slight_smile:

(.Chris.) #39

Already people are whining…

Just make a nice fun game.

Wonder if they doing something for a Nintendo system seeing as they finally getting to grips with online.

(Tankey) #40

I hope you stuck the the gameplay as it is in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Great community, talkactive, and ofcourse the not-so-difficult and easy HUD :slight_smile:

Would be awesome if such a game will be released in the upcoming couple of years.
