Splash Damage Captures Bigger Headquarters, Promptly Creates Spawnhost

(badman) #1

A new blog post has been added:

Splash Damage Captures Bigger Headquarters, Promptly Creates Spawnhost

After nearly five years in our offices, we’ve just moved to a building of our own for the very first time in the studio’s history. The industry has changed a lot in the past couple of years, with digital distribution becoming commonplace and games being run as a service that runs for several years, with sweeping updates throughout their lifetime.

With our new building, we’re able to create a space that’ll let us take full advantage of where the games industry is going, with dedicated areas for development, live ops, and support. There’s also a whole bunch of meeting and gaming areas, and we’ve got a ton of extra space for the future too (hello, community days!).

To celebrate our new home, we thought we’d take a look back at the illustrious gang of buildings we’ve occupied over the years. Photos ahead:
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(Mustang) #2

Nice article, I particularly liked the photo that looks like everyone’s taking a fag break outside of Berkeley House.

(mitsuhiko) #3

That’s probably just a picture of the fire alarm going off again.

(badman) #4

That was us looking at the space just before moving in, actually. :smiley:

(Diddakoi) #5

How it has grown …Arnout obviously hadn’t discovered Specsavers in Eden Park group shot…

(Salteh) #6

We finally turned off the lights at Elmfield Road this past weekend, calling time on an era that saw a frightening number of fire alarms (none of them real, luckily) and the ever-present, soothing ambience of Poundland’s eccentric customers just below our studio.

Oooh, Poundland! :smiley:
I remember buying the dolphin at Poundland!

(http://www.warchest.com/img/section_team.jpg and attachment)

(badman) #7

…that was a pound well spent!

(DarkangelUK) #8

3 offices and I still haven’t been to any… I’m going to complain to my local MP about this!

(congrats on the new office)

(rookie1) #9

Brand New Building or there was someone in there before SD ?
Looks Huge .Share your excitements ,I once worked hard in a very tiny warehouse and we made an All time record sales year …Comp. constructed a Huge warehouse/office for us with all latest tech .I saw the ‘blockout’ :stuck_out_tongue: and the raise of the new building .
Great moments in my life experience :slight_smile: ,Was like going from a little shack to a Castle :slight_smile:
Happy New Home SD :slight_smile:

(iwound) #10

Congrats and good luck on the move.
tbh i thought you all lived in east st above the chippy. :confused:

(Breo) #11

Would be awesome if that mech was really in front of the building :smiley:

(rookie1) #12

thought of that too…yep + would be nice tourist attraction :slight_smile:

(Dormamu) #13

This new building need’s a party, a huge party with loud music, lan party, twitch video coverage, cakes, B(e)acon and open bar Strog Liquor.
:penguin: :stroggbanana: :stroggtapir:

Keep the light on!

(system) #14

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