Special effects missing from linux version of Quake wars?

(fuag155555) #1

I noticed it seems like all the known issues with the linux client are fixed, however a bunch of effects are still missing.

some of these are

-puddles reflecting characters/vehicles
-water deforming to explosions and boat wakes
-shields refracting in a ripple shape when hit by bullets
-water having ripple refractions when hit by bullets
-grenade explosions refracting like doom3 grenades/rockets
-rocket trails refracting in a trail behind them.

It seems like the refraction effect is working as you use it in the water and in some explosions such as the rocket launcher. Why wouldn’t you add the effects a windows machine has, which look a ton better in my eyes.

Is there a problem with them that only make them applicable only to windows? If so what is, is it a driver issue with nvidia/ati?
