So, you guys finally realize it huh?

(EpicStratagem) #1

I’m not blaming anyone in general. It’s just that when this game came out, and I was listing all the things wrong with it and preaching like a madman how what we fell in love with wasn’t what we paid for, people kept on telling me to stfu and be happy that they made a game like this.

Now I look back, and I see the general attitude that people have is exactly what I was spouting since day one.

(Darksider) #2

Want a cookie??? Community moved on.:rolleyes:

(Ruben0s) #3

be happy that they make games like Brink.

Anyway the persons that told you this have moved on.

(zenstar) #4

Lol… can’t give you more rep until i spread it around some more.

(tangoliber) #5

Took a look at the post you are referring to. Most of the complaints on this forum are related to competitive play on PC…and most of your complaints are about completely different things than what people here would care about…like campaign, AI, or framerate/blurry texture issues on consoles.

The reasons why casual and competitive players dislike the game are completely isolated. Casual players disliked the game from the start. Competitive players liked fine it for about 2 weeks, before they realized patches weren’t coming.

(Ruben0s) #6

Competetive playes disliked the game from the start but they still had hope that it could be fixed with massive patches. Atleast I did because the weaponspread/level design killed the game on competition level from day one.

(tangoliber) #7

The atmosphere was fairly positive for the first 2 weeks, I felt. I remember the general attitude being “whatever… Splash Damage will fix it.”

(zenstar) #8

Agree with this. In fact a lot of people didn’t even turn sour… they just kinda drifted off when the game didn’t hold their attention. The competative scene were holding out for modding tools I believe, but I didn’t really follow them so I’m not too sure.

(.Chris.) #9

Yes, there were lots of talks about what could be fixed and such and were people who would have liked to make a promod and custom maps.

(Ruben0s) #10

On the splashdamage forums it was indeed possitive but on community sites like crossfire, where most of the competitive players are, they totally burned the game to the ground when it got released.

(gold163) #11

“I’m not blaming anyone in general, I’m blaming ALL OF YOU”

(sereNADE) #12

people still hurting over brink? try playing battlefield 3. that will teach you REAL disappointment.

(tangoliber) #13

Do you have to log in to see all the topics on Crossfire or something, because I only see like 82 topics in the Brink forum on Crossfire… Hardly any discussion at all, and it really isn’t that negative… just nonchalant. Most people seemed to think in May that there would be a promod.

(.Chris.) #14

It’s where most of the ET competitive players are, whenever an objective team based game does come around the most vocal crowd on that site seem to think they are the only ones entitled to an opinion on that particular game and how it should be played, screw anyone else. Happened with ET:QW and Wolfenstein also. It’s a shame really, if they put as much effort into giving constructive feedback as they do bashing the game then perhaps the developers would have more to work on than “it sucks” in order to improve their games for the competitive crowds.

There was a huge ‘discussion’ before the release on crossfire in which someone from SD was answering questions and such about Brink, he got trolled hard, it’s no surprise Brink wasn’t going to be catering for competition from then on, who in their right mind would after that? Anyway there were bigger problems with Brink than the lack of competitive support as already discussed million times now.

(Ruben0s) #15

@tangoliber: 82 topics thats in the forum sections. That’s the place where they recruit people for a clan. The discussion happened in the “journals”, “news” or “columns”, if you could call them that, because I agree with chris, crossfire is a big troll community. There is a search button on crossfire but it only shows a portion of all the Brink post.
This is the discussion thread that you are talking about chris? because I don’t think that rhado got trolled hard there.

(Humate) #16

Brink was never going to be catering for competition regardless of what was said on crossfire - its not a skill based game.
Thats the amusing thing about the visits that were made there. Its tantamount to walking into a brothel saying - hey just so you ladies know, im a massive fgt. Well OK so why exactly are you here?

(.Chris.) #17

This is the discussion thread that you are talking about chris? because I don’t think that rhado got trolled hard there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that’s it, not going to read it all again but there were lots of childish posts from memory.

Humate, we didn’t necessarily know that before the release though did we? I had my suspicions with the whole lock on to do objectives shenanigans and such that was announced before release but gave benefit of the doubt in end (never again). Also they did say many times they would have liked to support the competition scene, and modding, but like most things with the game it just never came to fruition but yeah the game just wasn’t suitable.

(Humate) #18

Humate, we didn’t necessarily know that before the release though did we?

No ofcourse not, thats part of the amusement.
None of us knew the extent they went to, in order to appease their target audience. We learnt that after we bought the game.


(Ruben0s) #19

but they gave us big hints.

I already talked a little bit about why the game won’t be exactly like the old old wolf movement. Do a quick search on this page for the word “appeal”. While that kind of gameplay is fantastic, it’s genuinely too hard for the vast majority of players out there these days. You guys are literally too good! :slight_smile: If we make a game that caters to your strengths as players, we create a game that literally 90% of our potential audience wouldn’t be able to play well, and as a result we’d screw ourselves and go out of business.

We could have known that it would be a dumbed down game.

(zenstar) #20

I seriously think they underestimate their fans. People like a challenge.
The only thing they needed to do was find an effective way to teach new people how to play (like a proper single player campaign where you get introduced to classes and mechanics bit by bit which adds a proper story experience as well as being a giant tutorial for MP).