So, what mouse you using these days?

(watsyurdeal) #1

I’ve asked before, but I’m looking to see what other people are using and experiment around a little. So, what are you using? And pics please

Right now, I’m going back and forth between these mice$_1.JPG

(blonk) #2

This fella, a Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum. Because I want a mouse that’s as fabulous as I am. Here it is in DB mode:


I’m using the G402.
I absolutely love it.

(ChaoticElf) #4


Logitech G5 here. Been using this one for quite a while.[/left]

(BerylRdm) #5

(nokiII) #6

Zowie EC1-A, recently switched from my trusty WMO 1.1a.
Don’t know which one I’ll use yet, both are quite nice.

(Nesodos) #7

Bloody V2 gaming mouse

(but mine is quite worn out by now)

(YeOldeButtcheek) #8

A compaq mouse

(TheStrangerous) #9

(Madonna_) #10
Deathadder chroma already worn out on fingers part after just 1 year…

(Herr_Hanz) #11

Mionix castor

(DarkMatterMatt) #12


BBCode doesn’t work on mobile, and even when you edit the comment from the main site the comment stays broken.

(MarsRover) #13

Zowie FK1

(DarkMatterMatt) #14

Logitech G500

(watsyurdeal) #15

I really hope Logitech brings back the G500/G5 shape with less weight, very smooth and plenty of curves. Rather than being kinda pointy like the G502/G402

No disrespect to those of you who like those mice.

(enigmaplatypus) #16

logitech m320

im on a laptop and my small work space works really well with the size and sensitivity of this mouse.

(X-aited) #17

went from the left one to the right one. Still love them

(frostyvampire) #18

(watsyurdeal) #19

(Flacke) #20$S640$