So is there an ETA to the next patch?

(.Chris.) #21

[QUOTE=tangoliber;380142]I wouldn’t be mad if they just made in permanently free to play. I know some people would be angry that they paid for it…but I don’t care about money…I would just be happy to have a more active community.


Wouldn’t help what so ever considering the game is still not great, if everything was fixed before that free weekend then perhaps it could have retained at least half of those that gave it a go.

(tokamak) #22

[QUOTE=tangoliber;380142]I wouldn’t be mad if they just made in permanently free to play. I know some people would be angry that they paid for it…but I don’t care about money…I would just be happy to have a more active community.

If almost everyone that already paid for the game isn’t playing, then you won’t get more people by making it free.

(johnciaccio) #23

I agree with tokamak. The only way to get people back is to fix it. And more content would be nice.

(FireWorks) #24

When ever this last patch is incomming… I beg them to playtest it with operatives a lot.

This is the most buggy class with the
-screwed, jittery movement during disguise,
-the weird class specific player bars in disguise,
-the invisible turret controlling point over the map (compared to soldier satchel,…),
-buggy/missing indicator on commshack progress,
-and someone mentioned that the drone dies after the second life not activly controlled (so its not permanent like the 3rd eye cam)

I know there are many more major things… but at least these should be fixable in a short time. Just had the feeling they never playtested operatives properly.

(BioSnark) #25

I’d ask SD to have health and damage buffs degrade over time like op buffs but I have no expectation of seeing that happen.

(coolstory) #26

Indeed the free weekend brought in lot of players. Brink had 10k people playing it that weekend. Idk why SD decided to have a free weekend before fixing everything.

Who’s the lead game designer for brink? I want to do unspeakable things to that person for ruining brink.

(lobster) #27

People are still waiting for this patch? Quite sad, really. When I bought the game during the free weekend, I remember reading somewhere that it would be a few weeks.

(nephandys) #28

Man, I’ve been gone for like a month - married, honeymoon, etc. I figured there’d at least be an ETA on this patch or TU by the time I got back. Still no word?

(zenstar) #29

Congratulations… and no.

(Crytiqal) #30

[QUOTE=tokamak;380147]If almost everyone that already paid for the game isn’t playing, then you won’t get more people by making it free.[/QUOTE] People don’t even play the game if they would receive money for it. RIP ESL cup.

(nephandys) #31


(Breo) #32

I expect a huge changelog :wink:

(Crytiqal) #33

I really rather have them working on a new title…

(Codine) #34

Why is it taking them months just to get a few weapon balances out? There’s not enough people to even play the game anymore and they’re still taking their sweet time…

(Cep) #35

Well I stopped playing Brink about a month ago because I was getting sick of the herpa derpas only to come back and find its still not got a release date? Wow… that’s…just sad.

(badman) #36

Have a look here for a bit of information of what’s involved with this update: TLDR - it’s more than just weapon tweaks.

(zenstar) #37

So it’s the weapon tweaks and the clans support?
Looking at the PC attrition rate is it worth prolonging this for clan support when there may not be any clans left if the patching cycles are so long?
We’re already seeing clans dropping out of the ESL competion. It’s difficult to track the console player numbers but I’m guessing there’s a similar trend there too.
Is this patch going to hit all platforms at once (requiring PC to wait forever again) or will the PC be getting a rollout first (similar to the previous weapon patch)?
I’m not trying to be rough on you guys (you have to have developed some thick skin from this forum by now) but it’s been kinda a while since the last tweaks and people are slipping away.

(Oz70NYC) #38

[QUOTE=zenstar;380831]So it’s the weapon tweaks and the clans support?
Looking at the PC attrition rate is it worth prolonging this for clan support when there may not be any clans left if the patching cycles are so long?
We’re already seeing clans dropping out of the ESL competion. It’s difficult to track the console player numbers but I’m guessing there’s a similar trend there too.
Is this patch going to hit all platforms at once (requiring PC to wait forever again) or will the PC be getting a rollout first (similar to the previous weapon patch)?
I’m not trying to be rough on you guys (you have to have developed some thick skin from this forum by now) but it’s been kinda a while since the last tweaks and people are slipping away.[/QUOTE]

Speaking as a console player, I can say that there are a lot of us, more then a sizable share, that are still waiting for the clan update. It might actually funnel more people into playing, since the game is now dirt cheap, and despite the looming presence of the “Big 2” in the coming months, the player base is still big. But that withstanding I do see Zen’s point 100%. The PC community is slipping away, if not have already thinned out to the point of no return. Hopefully the next update releases before the year is out.

(light_sh4v0r) #39

There is quite literally noone playing on PC. When we played ESL, there was only 1 populated server without bots, so that’s about 16 people playing the game voluntarily. The fact that more than half of the teams in ESL didn’t show up despite the fact that there is prize money really says it all. It flopped.

(FireWorks) #40

Hard to say whats worse, the silence now or the announcement failure of AoC.
I wanted to check for the steam100 and noticed RAGE, that everyone talked about awhile ago. I clicked on the game and the trailer launched, but after the Bethesda Sorftworks logo I already had seen enough.

Worst thing is that i still come around to see for news:/