stroggifed nagman anyone? :uhoh:
Smilie Anyone?
Haha, Strogg Banana (Sliperator?) is awesome! But I love the “GDF kills 2 strogg” one too.
i hope RosOne doesn’t mind, but turned a few of his into a longer sequence, and added to it a bit. next i think i’ll add an anansi in, but right now i’m tired.
Battle of the Rock
oh, and here’s the hornet if anyone wants it
lol, really really nice, just wonder why its allways the strogg who has 2 die :):P?
Love all of these “smilies”.
Very good work.
Isn’t the slogan for ET:QW something like “choose your side”?
May be there could be a GDF- and a stroggified-version of the standard smilies.
Or at least a stroggified version of them.
The Hornet:
there have been a lot of hornets this summer. that was the first thing that came to my mind
ps: can someone tell me how i can make white the transparency color in imageready?
i think our gifs need more objectives…
Battle of the bridge. (sometimes it sucks to be an engy)
LOL you guys are doing a great job , Now all we need it to have a game with the smiles at WAR lol, or a short film of the smiles have a war like we have here but a short video LOL.
Please phray can you get the GF to have Green/Brown ground instead of only the black out line?
Keep em coming and make em funny
Nice work people, But could someone make me a Carecup smilie ¬¬
i would do it myself but i have the artistic talents of a doorstop.
I made one but the transparency muffed up
Edit, Managed to slavage it without trans.