Smilie Anyone?

(Jaquboss) #41

stroggifed nagman anyone? :uhoh:

(madness) #42

c’mon…add them to forum smilies :banana:

(ExciteBike) #43

Great job on the smilies! :clap:

(zeh) #44

Coming to think of it, I should have done this one with the :nag: nagman…

(jjpron) #45

Haha, Strogg Banana (Sliperator?) is awesome! But I love the “GDF kills 2 strogg” one too.

(phray) #46

i hope RosOne doesn’t mind, but turned a few of his into a longer sequence, and added to it a bit. next i think i’ll add an anansi in, but right now i’m tired.

Battle of the Rock

oh, and here’s the hornet if anyone wants it

(CrazyGuy) #47

great job rosone

(Smooth) #48

I’m nicking this to be in my sig on other forums, if you don’t mind ofc :cool:

(Eddmarkus) #49

lol, really really nice, just wonder why its allways the strogg who has 2 die :):P?

(Cabalistik) #50

Made this one.

(nUllSkillZ) #51

Love all of these “smilies”.
Very good work.
Isn’t the slogan for ET:QW something like “choose your side”?
May be there could be a GDF- and a stroggified-version of the standard smilies.
Or at least a stroggified version of them.

(zeh) #52

Awesome, phray. Great title too. :slight_smile:

(Joe999) #53

The Hornet:

there have been a lot of hornets this summer. that was the first thing that came to my mind :smiley:

ps: can someone tell me how i can make white the transparency color in imageready?

(Fab) #54

Just delete the background layer on frame1

(phray) #55

i think our gifs need more objectives…

Battle of the bridge. (sometimes it sucks to be an engy)

([ls.leodavinci]) #56

keep theme coming, love these gifs !!!

(Diecast5) #57

LOL you guys are doing a great job , Now all we need it to have a game with the smiles at WAR lol, or a short film of the smiles have a war like we have here but a short video LOL.

(Brandon) #58

Please phray can you get the GF to have Green/Brown ground instead of only the black out line?
Keep em coming and make em funny

(Wongo) #59

Nice work people, But could someone make me a Carecup smilie ¬¬
i would do it myself but i have the artistic talents of a doorstop. :frowning:

(Sir. SpungE) #60

I made one but the transparency muffed up :frowning:

Edit, Managed to slavage it without trans.