Smilie Anyone?

(Loffy) #21

Very good!

(phray) #22

here’s the icarus

i tried making an animated gif with it, but for some reason it picked up a bunch of stray white pixels when i saved it as an animated gif…

i was just gonna rip-off your bager’d idea. i’ll have to give it another shot tomorrow, maybe i’ll be more original then.

(Desoxy) #23

Here is my first try to animate (with Paint.NET and M$ Gif Animator): :slight_smile:

And yes, I know that the GDF helmets originally are completely green - and that the CovOps wear masks… :wink:

Edit: Tried to make the animation a bit more smooth…

(SniperSteve) #24

I had to. :slight_smile: Nice job guys!

(rebb) #25

Beware the Stroggo-Cow !


@rebb: HAHAHA!! sweet holy cow man!

(kamikazee) #27

I for one do not really like your Stroggo-cow’s look, though the idea is genius.

(Fab) #28

What have you started RosOne? :stuck_out_tongue:

(EB) #29

That strogg-banana is the best.

Who mad the strogg banana ?

(Locki) #30

I love those!

(zeh) #31

Best thread ever. Thanks RosOne.

i tried making an animated gif with it, but for some reason it picked up a bunch of stray white pixels when i saved it as an animated gif…

If you don’t mind, I’d like to try that… just a quick attempt with some pixels, but here it goes:

(RosOne) #32

Awesome smilies guys :smiley:

Didn’t expect it to go that well :clap:

(peppi) #33

Yep, great thread :slight_smile:

Got another one:

(phray) #34

nice! it looks much better like that.

(darki) #35

lol guys, i love these smileys! :o

(Fab) #36


(EB) #37

ah yes, another brilliant one with comic flair !


pees him self in laugher :smiley:

(Wils) #39


(Joe999) #40

lol @ peppi’s :lol: awesome.