Skilth - WarZone mini mod

(king_troll) #1

for quakewars, wrong forum but still…

a new mini mod to clean up and de-saturize all of the atmospherics of the worlds,
Changes all damages/projectile ranges/spreads/projectile recoils/kickbacks on all handweapons

just put the skilth_warzone.pk4 into the base folder of quakewars, or the official pro mod
there is no full changelog, but you will notice all the changes during a game.

download skilth - warzone v1.1

(nUllSkillZ) #2

If it’s a ET:QW mod it should be posted here:
Editing ETQW

(king_troll) #3

i know, but i cant delete or move post though, and the mini mod will give quakewars the same kind of gameplay as wolf anyways with proper balanced teams, and all new clean particle effects that are better in general as well as a cup ladder

(tokamak) #4


(nUllSkillZ) #5

You can open another thread in the ETQW forum.

(Mateos) #6

He’s trolling, notice his nickname.

(king_troll) #7

not trolling, put the mini mod, pk4 in the pro compition mod folder, and the game becomes alive once more for some small name cups, or just online play, and more team based weapon balance on most maps…

if you have a few rounds on volcano, you will probaly being thinking its wolf

(Mateos) #8

If it’s server-side, the client download it? All the time I played ETQW I’ve never downloaded any file…

(king_troll) #9

thats because no other mod for quakewars is done by a god, weapon spread is low, you will never miss a shot unless you miss it yourself from bad aiming, its not a clipbox glitch

needs a few more tweaks on a few weapons and effects and its finished

if you put it in the mod folder serverside, you will download it when you connect
if you put it in the mod folder clientside, just play all gametypes, there are no pro servers on the master running compitition gametype

(Stormchild) #10

Oh yeah, is ET pro still full of cheaters ?

Loved ETQW though, my best multi FPS since ET:Wolf. It’s all thanks to the marvelous gameplay.

I hope Brink can live up to that. The SMART thing can bring in a nice change from the old old mechanics, which I became pretty familiar with, but you know, sometimes you need a leap of change.
And with mouse aiming, SMARt shouldn’t be overused because while you do those fancy climbs and slides without thinking, you’ll just get holed like swiss cheese by decent aimers. Worst case ? just don’t use the smart button, is all.

I won’t miss the vehicles, although I might miss the deployables of ETQW. But in exchange I’ll enjoy the new features, like customization of gear, skills and looks.

(king_troll) #11

nothing wrong with the vehicles, QW terrains need to be twice the size like UT2k4, and player run speed upped 140 for a standard game

download :

all main team hand weapons are now perfectly balanced, using the same value for zoom/recoil/muzzlekick/projectile spread/projectile damage/ etc…

gdf machinepistol -> strogg lightning pistol
gdf assault rifle -> strogg lacerator
gdf gpmg -> strogg hyperblaster
gdf shotgun -> strogg nailgun
gdf sniperrifle -> strogg railgun
gdf rocket launcher -> strogg obliterator
gdf knife -> strogg spikes

all the common explosion now have persistant smoke and shrapnel,

(king_troll) #12

heres a final if you want it :

cleans up more particle effects and balances all the weapon clipsizes

(Avoc) #13

I still don’t understand why you do not post this in the right forum.

(king_troll) #14

it could of been moved by the mods, i will post another for no1 to see, and let be called spam, locked and double post nag

(Smurfer) #15

Man, this forum is dead :frowning:

(king_troll) #16

the mod is just too good, there are only 2 flaws…

the lightning pistol over heat time is too low if the oblitorator is you main weapon,
the hyperblaster spin up time is still the same, changing the weapon script doesnt remove the spin up

the rest will make quake wars - CS/Wolf type of gameplay

should fix the overheat flaw and called the mod complete, and up the machine pistol clip to 30 when rocket launcer is the main weapon and make it a mach 10

increases machine pistol magazine size to 30, and max ammo to 120

(Dthy) #17

One thing i think would be a good idea, but i know it would take a while to do, is to reward a more powerful pistol, but with a smaller R.O.F. Just a thought though. I’ll try this mod out when i get my mouse.

(king_troll) #18

it would probaly take 30mins, just have to add new itempackage and playerclass options in the def/player_roles.def, with the itempackage requiiring a proficiency level set in the playerclass

(matsy) #19

Pretty sure pro mod implemented diffrent weapon spreads, was just down to server / league admins to set them…

(king_troll) #20

they were obviously not good enough, cups died because of bad clipboxes like most idtech4 games, and the weapons are not balanced for hardcore team plays, you cannot see anything most of the time because of all the effects are too big or just rubbish in general for cups and normal gameplay

projectiles uses the rendermodel for clipdetection, not the normal mins/maxs bounding box like QL/Q3 and older games, in idtech4 you can stand over ragdoll and pop a few shots and when the crosshair is on the ragdoll, blood splats will appear