Siwa Oasis Alpha 3 & Gold Rush Aplha 1 feedback wanted

(Runeforce) #1

Siwa has some wierd lag (even when playing local…anyone have an idea on how to fix?)

Feedback on maps wanted! Author: Numerobis

(Scrupus) #2

Hi, I’m really interested to try gold rush but when we tried it a while ago, it crashed on end object when running on multiplayer server. It was also hard get it into the same campaign file with other maps, as it use a custom trigger function (which clashed with another map). I suggested to replace those triggers with trigger_mcp last in some other thread here, as I think it will fix the endgame problem (you can script it easier with trigger_mcp).

Do you know if this has been changed or fixed? (the timestamp on the file looks like the version we tried). Have you been able to run it successfully in multiplayer on your servers yet?

I think I have tried that Siwa version as well, and noticed the same strange lag, but no idea what it could be. Maybe it’s simply too big (it’s a huuuuge map :). But I was also a bit disappointed to see that the wall jump from GDF spawn to second objective was still there (like in A2) - it’s pretty easy to find it, and should be simple to fix it (a small clip so they can’t jump over).

I really like Numerobis ideas for the Gold Rush port though, and would love to test it on multiplayer server. But can’t add it when there is a risk of crashing server :confused:

(Ashog) #3

Gold rush was pretty alright apart from final crash imho.

The only incosistency is when mcp destroys the bank doors - mcp doesnt shoot explosives. Maybe make MCP shoot SSM into the yard (almost on itself) or behind the bank? Explosion in the yard could be cool coz everyone would die in that yard which is funny :slight_smile:

(Runeforce) #4

[QUOTE=Scrupus;382479]Do you know if this has been changed or fixed? (the timestamp on the file looks like the version we tried). Have you been able to run it successfully in multiplayer on your servers yet?[/quote] I think not and no. Yes, it crashes when deploying the mcp (end of map.)

There is actually quite a few other ways you can also get over the wall, one of them by hacking a backdoor. So it is quite intentional, I think. The problem is that you can blow the back grate before blowing the wall. And the construct objective need a 30s delay from front gate done, or something like that. But the “lag” is a real killer.

(taw_m0nsta) #5

I am concerned about the height of buildings. I think a good ETQW map is a map that is Strogg Infiltrators Portal proof. To be honest, I don’t think Numberobis is able to fix it soon…

(Scrupus) #6

I got it working in multiplayer now! :stroggbanana:

Only had to convert the end trigger to trigger_mcp, by changing this in the entity file:

        "team"  "gdf"
//      "call"  "end_trigg"
//      "scriptObject"  "end_trigg"
        "name"  "END_Trigger"
// converted from trigger_multiple
        "classname"     "trigger_mcp"
        "objective_index" "3"
        "model" "END_Trigger"
        "cm_model"      "END_Trigger"
        "origin"        "-5616 -196 88"

That was it! Multiplayer test on nirvana tomorrow - stop that mcp! :smiley:

(taw_m0nsta) #7

Good to hear men! Well done

(Ashog) #8

This felt almost like ol good ET times :slight_smile:

Crazy fighting in the tank yard, then in the bank yard, with chris airstriking the strogg spawn all the time :slight_smile:
Almost shed a tear :smiley:

(taw_m0nsta) #9

Great work on fixing the issue :slight_smile: Liked playing it, even with 12 fps.

(Scrupus) #10

I liked it too - was pretty fun to play it yesterday :slight_smile:

Too early to give much gameplay feedback, so only got a few comments for now:

  • The build time for barricades is probably too short. We had a round where it was pretty frustrating for the GFD, as it takes 30 seconds to blow it down, but 2 seconds to build it up again. On the other hand, strogg seems to forget building them, just like the good old axis engies. But would also be nice to have plant message for them.

  • Players sometimes get stuck inside the MCP when it stops outside the bank yard.

  • I think Chris managed to get under the map somehow - I don’t know how, maybe it’s visible in the server demo.

  • I’m not sure how well it will work in the long run with the final strogg spawn at the end of the mcp route. Maybe better if they spawn in the crossing a little bit north of there, or in the bankyard (as in the orginal). But that’s something to observe over time.

  • Several players reported lag problems, I didn’t really notice myself but think it was map lag. Perhaps something of the same as you see in Siwa. It’s a lot of brushwork for a map, so maybe the engine struggles a bit. Maybe it can help just to reduce the max_vis in the atmosphere? Or maybe it needs some deeper optimalization. Best would be if someone could analyze the performance with dev tools too figure out what’s the main bottleneck.

But all in all - a good port IMHO, and brings back some of the ET fun! :smiley:

(.Chris.) #11

My short lunch time feedback.

Made better job at scaling the map than Siwa but it still is too small for ET:QW and for an MCP at it’s default speed.

The MCP is a real problem, it has an MG and a minigun, due to the closed nature of this map these can become very lethal when you place the MCP in the right spots. In my opinion slow down the MCP and disable the weapons.

The playzone mask is broken, can’t heal in some areas of the maps, namely the mcp start area.

On the bridge there is also some weapon clip near the stairs in mid air that is annoying.

The bank area is too small, too crowded in there, this is ET:QW, 1 nade in that room could do a lot of damage, likewise mines will too, leading to lots of tks and such.

Transmitting back to the MCP perhaps isn’t the best idea, the distance is too small for ET:QW and it’s right outside the defense spawn. Spam wins the day here.

I don’t like the idea of the strogg spawning where the gdf spawn at the start of the map, seems really strange.

Most of the problems in this map are due to the size, it doesn’t fit ET:QW one bit, players have unlimited sprint and the distances between spawns and objectives are short, it creates a right mess, on both occasions it felt like the winning side had to just spam to win.

Also it’s very clear which parts of the map are SD’s and which parts are new, no real integration, looks like a bad “Yet Another Goldrush” ET map. They are lots of structures that are still using brushwork instead of patches andlots of unaligned textures and such.

8/10 for effort, 4/10 for execution.

(Ashog) #12

I don’t agree with the sprint and small bank room - maridia isn’t bigger than that.

Tho I do agree that MCP should be slowed a notch or two.

Also transmit at MCP is too close, yeah.

Construction of barriers is really too fast and must be prolonged.

I though of the scrupus idea too to place last strogg spawn somewhere close to the final gate.

(Donnovan) #13

I liked this map very much, it was a lot fun to play.

(Ashog) #14

not sure if anyone mentioned it - there is a very annoying invisible small wall on the bridge above MCP point not so far from Strogg spawn (2nd obj). When one wants to jump down from bridge to the bank yard, the small barrier doesnt allow to do it easily.

Is there any chance to get this map fixed?

(taw_m0nsta) #15

Numerobis is back from duty so I hope hes gonna finish it soon. I made him aware of the MCP fix last weak.

(Ashog) #16

point him to this thread :wink:

(Scrupus) #17

btw you can also tell him he can use the mcp trigger for the barricades as well if he wants to simplify the code. It won’t fix any problems as they already work ok, but he won’t need the custom trigger stuff, which could make the script and declarations easer to maintain. Using objective_index with values higher than 4 should do the trick for side objectives.

(Ashog) #18

Invisible wall i mentioned before and also a hole in the wall where you can see the mcp undermap.