Show off your new Ghostclip skins

(Mc1412013) #61

@neonlichts said:

@Mc1412013 said:
Out of curiosity what do you do with these pics

dood, this fella does a huge favour for hundreds of people

Oh i know he did the things with the cards i didnt realize he use the pics next to the cards. 95% of the time im on here with my phone during work between jobs and my phone is like dialup speed(thanks sprint for such great service) so i tend to stay away from threads with loads of pics

(Mc1412013) #62

@Guziol said:
Closing in on 100 cases and not a single one. Not even a silver card actually.

I opened 2 of 6 cases and got crapy lead cards. Not expecting much on event cards any more ill be happy with my obsidian opratives cards got


Managed to pull this from a regular case. Eh, not bad. Kinda wish it were B93 B91. Also got those cobalts from 3 elite cases so I guess I’m pretty lucky either way. No other Ghostclips from them, though.

(watsyurdeal) #64

I just remembered why cases infuriate me. Best I’ve gotten was a Silver Sparks.

(Your worst knifemare.) #65

I decided to waste even more credits in hope of a Sparps.

At least they got the class right.

(watsyurdeal) #66

That’s actually my favorite Sawbonez card @Lord_Coctus

I’m jelly

(Sorotia) #67

@Mc1412013 said:

@Guziol said:
Closing in on 100 cases and not a single one. Not even a silver card actually.

I opened 2 of 6 cases and got crapy lead cards. Not expecting much on event cards any more ill be happy with my obsidian opratives cards got

Yeah…I’ve had at least 3 batches of ten that were 100% lead, le sigh

(Mc1412013) #68

@Sorotia said:

@Mc1412013 said:

@Guziol said:
Closing in on 100 cases and not a single one. Not even a silver card actually.

I opened 2 of 6 cases and got crapy lead cards. Not expecting much on event cards any more ill be happy with my obsidian opratives cards got

Yeah…I’ve had at least 3 batches of ten that were 100% lead, le sigh

Welcome to the L.C.A (lead cards anonymous)

(Guziol) #69

140-ish cases in and I still did not get a special edition. Highest I’ve got is bronze so far.


There is nothing else in this game that pisses me off more than this:

I feel like it happens every ranked season or case event now. If they’re not the exact same, they’re the same merc - and one I never use.

Anyway, pulled a few more today after opening about 30 regular cases. All yours if you need that Fragger, @ Eox. @Djiesse. Sawbones profile pic’ confused me. My bad lol.

(dlux) #71

Only a few I’d consider ever using, marked with the star.
But those are nice. :slight_smile:

(Noir) #72

“Only a few”
I have 1200 hours+ and not a single playable special card. I keep on getting Proxys, double times, Redeye PDPs and Phoenix, which I never play.

I hate you all.

(ZEITZA) #73

how much money did you spend @dlux ?

(CryonicArrow) #74

These are the ones I’ve gotten so far

(Eox) #75

Another one.

And this one I forgot to post.

(DB Genome editor) #76

Thanks for the thought @Wintergreen but I’m all covered for this set.


Well, think that’s about it for me. Spent about 150k credits and 100 bucks for those wondering. Here’s a summary of my event.

Good pulls:

Meh pulls:

And this pile of trash:

I got 5 from the elite case bundles which wasn’t that great considering 4 were guaranteed. Got lucky with 2 cobalts from these I posted in here, though. Really happy with that C41 Bush.

So, yeah, overall not feeling too hot about my luck this time around. Love the cobalt that came along with it, the S41 Arty the game generously decided to give me twice, and my 2 Fletcher cards although BL21 would have been ideal. Good Fragger and Sky cards, and at least I got the best PDP Aimee card if that counts for anything. Sawbones didn’t show, anything Nader would have been nice, and I started to want a Javelin pretty bad after I realized this looks just like her skin at launch but without that ugly red hair.

You win some and lose some, I guess. So that’s all from me! B) No more credits spent or updates unless I miraculously get one from a case drop after a game. Good luck everyone else!

@CryonicArrow: That B81 Arty is amazing. Nice one!

(Your worst knifemare.) #78

@Eox said:
Another one.

Nice one, although i like its first gen better.

(Wolven) #79

I must have opened close to 300 cases now. Got two more. Really hoping for a Sawbonez BL71 or SM41.

(everlovestruck) #80

@Wo1ven the Phoenix one looks the best imo
Enemy variant makes all of his attire white, and his helmet too, which is sick
fuck this edgy obsidian, I wish I had a GC Phoenix instead