Show off your new Ghostclip skins

(NinjaToast) #41

My event luck continues.

(DB Genome editor) #42

We’re off to a pretty good start for the next update of the DB Genome Project

Big thanks to @Wo1ven, @MisterBadmin and @NinjaToast for posting Genome-specs pictures, always greatly appreciated!

Thanks also to the @TheFluffyOne, @Shirobon and @everlovestruck for posting high-resolution shots of enemy versions of their skins, those are bit more work but are still usable for me.

Now for the pleading bit… I’m only missing 7 more, of which 6 have already been posted in this thread, so if you guys could take a few seconds to look up the Genome submission guidelines and capture matching screenshots of those missing mercs, you would be a great help:

And if anyone out there got a Proxy, please have a thought for me as well :wink:

(BerylRdm) #43

@Djiesse I will take proper screenshots tommorow.

(Mc1412013) #44

As usual rng gods hate me

(TepidJesus) #45

@cFn OMG you got the best sparks card and the best sawbones card as well, I’m so jealous.

(Bestfinlandball) #46

(everlovestruck) #47

excuse me?..
I’ve only opened like equipment 7 cases and just got a THIRD one…


(Wolven) #48

OMG! My favorite Phantom loadout. I’m so jealous right now. Trade it for my Rhino? :wink:

(DB Genome editor) #49

Since I still haven’t got any of these skins yet, could anyone tell me what their official name is? If you hover your mouse over a card where the loadout name is, you will get an info popup, I’m looking for the name in parenthesis at the end.

(nokiII) #50


The cards are called “Ghostclip”

edit: second screenshot is with default gamma…take what you like best.

(DB Genome editor) #51

Thanks @nokiII !

(BerylRdm) #52

Got another 2:

(Sorotia) #53

@BerylRdm said:
Got another 2:


I open 10 cases and I get 10 leads…lucky just to get a Iron but you get 3 bronze and 2 ghost…



@Djiesse, is this what you need of Aimee? Not sure if I’ve got the right gamma settings or something; the others submitted to you look foggy. Just lemme know if you need me to go back and tweak it and I will.

Got these yesterday:

Another trash Rhino, but I’ll take that Arty any day. Pretty happy with it.

(DB Genome editor) #55

@Wintergreen said:
@Djiesse, is this what you need of Aimee? Not sure if I’ve got the right gamma settings or something; the others submitted to you look foggy. Just lemme know if you need me to go back and tweak it and I will.
That’s perfect @Wintergreen, the “foggy” ones are salvageable through some Photoshop magic to adjust the brightness / contrast, but I’m happy when I don’t need to do it :slight_smile:

(Mc1412013) #56

@Djiesse said:

@Wintergreen said:
@Djiesse, is this what you need of Aimee? Not sure if I’ve got the right gamma settings or something; the others submitted to you look foggy. Just lemme know if you need me to go back and tweak it and I will.
That’s perfect @Wintergreen, the “foggy” ones are salvageable through some Photoshop magic to adjust the brightness / contrast, but I’m happy when I don’t need to do it :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity what do you do with these pics

(everlovestruck) #57

@Mc1412013 said:
Out of curiosity what do you do with these pics

dood, this fella does a huge favour for hundreds of people


@neonlichts said:

@Mc1412013 said:
Out of curiosity what do you do with these pics

dood, this fella does a huge favour for hundreds of people

While also depressing me by reminding me I never got my hands on a Rogue En Vogue or Dickens Nader skin. Breaks my heart every time I look, man. :frowning:

(Guziol) #59

Closing in on 100 cases and not a single one. Not even a silver card actually.

(Eox) #60