I like this a lot, but there are 3 tabs in the match report screen.
The Review tab:
In my opinion adding revives to K/D/A is a bit too much. In competitive games nobody other than two designated medics of the team would have revive counter higher than 0. Counting revives is still a nice stat to see, but not right there.
Instead of top mercs, what about just best merc for each role?
Assault = combat xp
Recon = combat + support xp
Engineer = game mode xp
Support = support xp
Fire support = game mode + support xp? (I mean, fire support nukes EV and also drops ammo. I can’t even remember what determined the best field ops in W:ET)
The EXP tab:
I think, instead what this looks currently, payout could be removed and instead it could show your and enemy team xp earned.
Example would be:
( + ) combat xp ( - ) game mode xp ( = )support xp. With numeric value on mouseover.
Your team: Enemy team:
Player 1: ++++±=== Player 1: +±=
Player 2: +±====== Player 2: +++±-==
The Performance tab:
This is where all the numbers are. Click on a player and browse their stats, loadouts and badges.
Damage done
Healing done
Ammo supplied
Objective contribution(build/repair/delivery/escort/damage)
Team kills
(Basically rip the whole stats off of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory while also including some DB specific stuff.)
I’m not sure what else I’d like to see in the match report screen.
Maybe CDA and Jackals banners a layer under the teams in the review tab?
I really love it though, for some reason especially the chat position. The only negative thing I can say about it is probably just the font color on the row with server info, considering the background color.
Really hope we get to see your next version of this.