Servers Servers and more servers

(Ads913) #1

Ok help!
OCB are looking for a new Quake Wars server .Now multiplay are looking for 24- 25 pound a month ridicious for ranked but i cannot find anyone else that runs ranked servers at a price that beats mutliplay .Anyone know a good supplier.

What is it that makes a server ranked surely that this game is receeding in players getting a ranked server should be made more accesable.This would allow guys to create there own server and stop suppliers making a fortune.
Splash dam Can you help!

finally is it worth having a ranked server i know i do still prefer going to a ranked server i dont no why but surely this should not matter now.


(xTriXxy) #2

24slots ranked for 12,-

(Dthy) #3

Ranked doesn’t matter, but just the word ranked will attract the people. Its sort of like a brand name, you buy a brand name because your used to it and don’t want to try something new.

You could get an unranked and in the title put RANKED and see if that affects the numbers

(Aristotle) #4

You could get an unranked and in the title put RANKED and see if that affects the numbers[/QUOTE]

Wouldn’t matter if you use the in game filters.

(f34n0r) #5

Unfortunately you may be stuck with multiplay’s crazy pricing. Almost a year ago, Activision stopped authenticating any new ranked IPs for QW servers. This means that you can only rent a ranked server from a GSP if they happen to have an IP that was previously ranked that they can recycle for you. As many GSPs and ISPs regularly release IPs if they aren’t being used, this has caused the pool of possible ETQW ranked servers to go way down. One of our members tried getting one in Seattle and was out. Best of luck to you.

(.Chris.) #6

Just go unranked and make sure your regulars know about the switch over well in advance.

(DonkeyDong) #7

Can splash just remove the ranks?

(Dthy) #8

That would require another patch, which i think would require funding and a publisher

(xTriXxy) #9

for US terrotory there is still one provider, even ins Seattle :slight_smile: BRANZONE, they host my bfbc2 servers.

(Aristotle) #10

there is more than one provider in the US.

(Apples) #11

Yeah rackage were pretty low priced iirc, dunno if they still have ranked tho… but yes, OCB moving to unranked can be a BIG step for the custom map and other matches and stuffs as you are kind of a big clan in the number of member :wink:

apples singing inocently


(Seanza) #12

Is there much point in playing on a ranked server now since we can’t check stats? YCN do REALLY cheap servers, I think they’re the cheapest. Plus, their control panel is really easy to use and their support is second to none.

Unranked is the way forward.

(.Chris.) #13

[QUOTE=Apples;247356]Yeah rackage were pretty low priced iirc, dunno if they still have ranked tho… but yes, OCB moving to unranked can be a BIG step for the custom map and other matches and stuffs as you are kind of a big clan in the number of member :wink:

apples singing inocently


Yeah, OCB seem to be pretty big in the public scene and switching to unranked may make others follow suit and perhaps get people trying modded servers as a result.

(f34n0r) #14

In TAW when we saw THIS and figured the end of ranked servers was near. The only reason i play on ranked servers is for recruitment. We do our TAW weekly matches on unranked 16 v 16 servers set in QWTA 3.5.

If you go unranked, I recommend using QWTA 3.5. If you’re interested, I will send you a copy of our “QWTA Vanilla” server config we made which emulates regular ETQW with some of QWTA’s enhancements. Also, we will happily send you some campaign scripts Suse made where we spawn the new vehicles in regular spots on all the vanilla maps except for volcano and salvage. The Jupiter tank and Abaddon tank are great fun now that they regularly spawn on maps. We are also in the process of fixing all the custom maps by adding vehicles, forward spawns, and other items.

This could be a good opportunity.

(_Megabyte) #15

Why there’s no unranked pro mod or QWTA server with 1 custom maps campaign.

(Dthy) #16


(_Megabyte) #17

On Nirvana all custom, we need 1 campaign only (other maps - stock), 3 maps, every week changing. ppl will play more custom maps.