Server Info?

(Strogg) #1

Well since it looks like that Quake Wars will be out soon. I was just wondering if there is any info yet on the server software. I hope its not gonna be like BF2142 server was where they had 2 types of server software:

  1. Ranked Server Software. ( almost everyone played on like BF2142 )
  2. Non-Ranked Server Software ( not that many people played on )

I hope it will be like Tribes2, UT2004, or Halo. Where the server software was the same for everyone regardless if you had it hosted on a gaming server company or hosted it at home.

Having it like BF2142 would be really really LAME!! :weird:

(cheesecake) #2

looks like it is going to be like BF from what I have herd and seen

(kamikazee) #3

Again, I’m not too sure about these ranked/unranked scenarios.
Someone quoted an article where they said “we need to check the server’s security”, so this could mean something.

(SKaREO) #4

It almost seems as if this game is a Battlefield clone. If they launch it full of bugs and CTD’s then you wouldn’t even know the difference. I’m sure everyone disagrees with me, right? Seriously, I didn’t think so until I saw them dealing with Fileplanet (a.k.a. Gamespy), using a beta to generate sales and now “ranked” servers to divide the community.

This is just one mistake after another IMO. :expressionless:

(Joe999) #5

edit: reuploaded image

(Gringo) #6

Hahahahaha nice one joe. Seriously Skareo have a bit of faith in SD. I have total confidence that they know what they are doing so as to produce as good a game as possible.

(Floris) #7

Ìf its going on like this ET:QW will be BF2142 without bugs, nothing interesting for me. I decided not to preorder because I need to play the game first ;>

(Gringo) #8

Ur gettin chucked in the pit as well!

(Grey Matter) #9

That pic made me LOL hard :slight_smile: and it should be used everytime someone talks about BF2142 lol

(Floris) #10

Ur gettin chucked in the pit as well![/quote]
I’m not whining I’m just being critical

The people saying ET:QW will be great are just as bad as those saying it will be crap.

(Joe999) #11

(kamikazee) #12

Joe, I’m not sure if I should answer with “brilliant” or “you have too much free time”. :smiley:

Either way, well done.

(SCDS_reyalP) #13

Have you actually read any of the previews ?

(SKaREO) #14

I have faith in this title, I did preorder you know? :evil:

I’m just stating my contempt for Fileplanet and public statistics in general.

Also, Gamespy is a horrible server watching tool. I hope they don’t use it.

(Strogg) #15

This is really gonna freakin SUCK THE BIG ONE if Quake Wars server software is gonna be like BF2142 Maybe I should not have bought the Preorder :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

(General.Jung) #16

Hello Strogg,

i am also annoyed that i only hear a little bit information about the server. I heared in an Interview with P. Wedgwood that you can administrate the server over the limbo menu, but i don´t know if he mean this feature is also available for an external dedicated root server, or if he mean only “client hosted server”. I hope that he mean also server for roots.

Source: (Server Infos at the 12th Minute)

(madness) #17

afaik they said that it doesn’t

(Strogg) #18

Thanks for the info bud :wink: I saw the video and it did not give much info it it was kool they stated Tribes 2 that was kool and to see there will bots both in single player and multiplayer games. As far as the server goes he did not say too much about the server other than the in game server so Im not sure it was a Ranked Server or a un ranked server. Only time will tell.