Send us your favorite ETQW moment / memory!

(Dthy) #21

Mine’s probs mercing for vallinitas against And for a general one whenever you manage to get teamwork on a pub game.

(Donnovan) #22

Was a sunday of many releases, there was 16 or more people on the Nirvana server. After a full night of mapping dev, i was joining forces to play on the custom server.

I connected to the server and people received me really well:

“Hey Donnovan! Have seen my map release?”

And i sayd “Yes! Nice map!”. Was indeed a nice map, but my idea to be hidden started to go away. Other mate asked:

“Released a new movie, have saw it?”

I sayd “Yes! Nice movie!”. It was indeed a nice movie release. Other questions come and i was not able to play. We are on Radar first objective. Suddenly someone stated:


Since i use a different name in game, not everyone know who i am. Having this and many other lines to reply, i was just getting mad trying not to leave then with no answer, then i sayd:

“Yes! Nice knowing!!!”

And then this became the first Donnovan line to be repeated after. I just forgot i sayd that, and everytime i saw someone Nirvana related saying “Nice knowing!” i wondered who could have invented such funny thing.

I like this movie to exemplify Nirvana:

Edit: fixed some errors i know are errors. Nice knowing!!!

(murka) #23

I remember seeing a match on salvage where RELOAd went next to one of the strogg barrier thingies right of mining laser, proned there hoping not to be seen. Then some guy came and shot him, after which he shouted “NICE KNOWING” so no, you didn’t invent it(first).

(Donnovan) #24

Well, he can have sayd it. Also, Bob Milk III sayd “Nice knowing!” on year 1457. So RELOAd is not the first.

I sayd “Nice knowing!” on the Nirvana server, full of Nirvana players. He sayd that on retail map server, as you stated on IRC but not here.

But we must agree Bob Milk III, is the real father of it.

But i believe you can be more acertive if you ask God for the world chat log. Also, in 5000 BC a conbination of wind and falling debris cause a sound that is similar enough to a person saying “Nice knowing!” so any possible tecnicall analisys cant figure it out from a human voice. So, in the universe log “Nice knowing” was invented on 5000 BC.

(INF3RN0) #25

Do your research. An alien on a distant planet said it first. Watching the old ETQW competition streams still was da best.

(tokamak) #26

Well you first need an acertificate for that.

(BMXer) #27

Best moments in ETQW for me were at Quakecon 2008. Meeting online friends and playing together in real life was super fun. Winning 4th place and taking home $1000 bucks wasn’t bad either!

The sirdark story always comes to mind when I think of ETQW. The dude would shoot %40+ accuracy and destroy everyone online. Quakecon 2008 rolls around. Sirdark shows up and proceeds to average 4 kills per round on the LAN. I still lol when I think about that entire situation. Nice guy irl, but damn it was funny.

(Dthy) #28

Not trying to derail the thread or start anything, but…

Stories like this and this?

(light_sh4v0r) #29

Watching Greased Schotsman’s VoD’s, and playing the game in general. Not much of an author, but the game has so many awesome moments I can’t just sumarise. Although winning a round against was rather enjoyable.

(gooey79) #30

I guess my biggest memory would be the 1.5 beta we spearheaded players testing (even got my name into the release notes as a thank you!) by setting up 32 player matches. Quite a few of the Splash Damage guys turned up to play/test which also meant lots of players wanted in.

Moph and I did a pretty big initiative on the ET:QW forums basically taking the piss out of Irn-Bru advertising (becuase we’re Scottish), dubbing it Strynt-Bru which also seemed to go down well. I’ve still got a fair whack of images but have posted my favourites, below.

On the individual level, clutching victory from the jaws of defeat are my fondest memories. Backstabbing the transmission on Island and Outskirts are great examples of where we were pretty much done for but one cheeky play turned the game from an almost certain loss into a win.

(Susefreak) #31

This is a screenshot of one of the most intense battles on Outskirts for me. We as Strogg were over run at the first objectives, and had to defend the last objective with 13 minutes still on the countdown. We managed to pull through and held the map thanks to excellent hyper and dmc work.

(Scrupus) #32

I can’t really point to any specific moments, it’s been so many of them and they have been great in very different ways. To mention some of them:

  • The really well-balanced matches you sometimes experience on pubs, with plenty of players and both teams working really hard, and offense have to fight to the death for every inch of progress - but still progress to the final objective for a last-moment dramatic finale.

  • The funny moments on the custom maps, like hoggin around on the hoggin map, shotguns&walking only mode, jumping around on the sky map, or crazy end transmit chaos on andes - etc etc etc. Including cheat mode when everyone spawns vehicles and stuff, until the server eventually dies trying to handle all the extra objects :oppressor:

  • The moments of satisfaction within the SDK, when you after a rebuild finally see something new working as expected, after endless hours of digging through script code, declarations and documentation.

If I should pick one favorite all-time-high type of moment, I would go for the really close plant/defuse situations where everyone fights to the death inside the end objective area, both teams desperately following the orange defuse bar on the final HE objectives while spamming grenades and rockets and everything everywhere, trying to kill - or protect - the defusing engineers. Especially if it was a multi plant where a new white bar pops up just when the orange defuse bar was completed - mostly to the defenders horror. Those moments are priceless! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(Humate) #33

Ive PMed a few to badman… but heres a few more.

Semi Final vs tW on Volcano -
We started on attack, my job as a tech was to initially escort the aggressor to plant the seawall, and then take out whoever was guarding at the east bunker. There was one player guarding inside the actual bunker, facing the beach and it was obvious his job was to take out whoever came from the forward spawn. I strafe jumped the bunker at full speed at an angle that was out of his field of view. Jumped over the top rail cleanly without touching it and landed right next to the entrance where the staircase was. Throughout the entire jump I was actually watching him being completely unaware. I stood there and paused to laugh irl, and then tripled him while he was still facing the beach. Game was also played on TV.

Final vs Skullz on Canyon -
We were attacking on the hack phase, and were getting completely dominated by the Desie on the hill. As a covert I took the back way with a husky, and saw the desie there stationary. I through an EMP to disable it and then through a 3rd eye to blow it up. He heard the windup and got out but it was too late. I ran to the hack objective and got 99% done till I got fragged. Went back again to finish the job, but this time when I jumped out of the husky… the momentum of the husky ran me over :frowning:

(Seanza) #34

There have been so many, thanks to the way this game delivers nail-biting gameplay and situations. My favourite moment? Doing the unthinkable and leading my team in making (Team Dignitas) lose their first map in a 6on6 in a very, very long time (14 months?). Salvage in 6 mins 24 seconds. We also held them 11 minutes on the 1st objective of Ark, that was a great achievement in itself!

Bring back the glory days :frowning:

(DrpPlates) #35

to many ‘favorite moments’ to list…

guess you could say, every time i log on and see that the game is still active is a favorite moment…

considering what a huge let down Brink was/is…

(ED209) #36

So many moments lost in time… So many demos… Still gotta sort through my demo collection, got some lol moments I have to extract.