SD hired new mapper

(xceed) #1


His previous work looks neat, maybe he will offer some ideas for industrial city maps like on those screenies? Who knows :tapir:

Anyways good luck man.

PS. check his stuff

(Rhoades) #2

:frowning: which means the maps aren’t even done yet. But it will be done when its ready.

(Joe999) #3

this doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s working on the retail maps, they could as well have hired him for add-ons. this is what i keep telling me :smiley: omg, i need a demo soooo badly :moo:

(Bongoboy) #4

Maps? What maps?

(carnage) #5

i see SD has gone the wait for the amazon realse then just buy the game route again

(Bongoboy) #6

Hell yeah. Now we’re inventing sandwich fillings…

(carnage) #7

might i surgest chicken crisps and strabery jam. tried and tested

(Shanks) #8

Might I suggest spellcheck…


Hmm, from ET, 5 of 6 were absolutely fantastic. And 2 of 6 (oasis and goldrush) were absolute orgasm in gameplay. So what maps we will see in ET:QW will be interesting.

carnage, your signature image is a bit big and flashy. :wink:

(Hakuryu) #10

Hmmm, seems he worked on a Half Life 2 mod. What is Splash damage developing for the Source engine?

(Chruker) #11

2 of 6 (oasis and goldrush)

Those were the worst maps. No, give me fueldump and railgun like maps.

(SniperSteve) #12

Goldrush, FuelDump, Oasis, Railgun. Those are my favoriate :slight_smile:

(jimb0) #13

What does it have to do with anything? He was working using one set of tools and has shown he has the ability and the knowledge to do something cool, amd just because he was hired by a company doesn’t mean the company needs him for the knowledge of that specific set of tools, but rather for his knowledge of mapping in general. Tools are just that, tools; I believe they hire designers, not tool operators.

Unless, of course, you meant it as a joke. On this case, disregard my reply.

(Ifurita) #14

Good to seem them pulling mappers from other games. Makes for some new perpsectives and ideas.

(Hakuryu) #15

What does it have to do with anything? He was working using one set of tools and has shown he has the ability and the knowledge to do something cool, amd just because he was hired by a company doesn’t mean the company needs him for the knowledge of that specific set of tools, but rather for his knowledge of mapping in general. Tools are just that, tools; I believe they hire designers, not tool operators.

Unless, of course, you meant it as a joke. On this case, disregard my reply.

I was hoping for a hint of another game… way to over react.

(Dazzamac) #16

Railgun sucks hairy sweaty balls. Oasis, battery and fueldump ftw

(Etnies) #17

Battery has to be the worst map ever… i leave a server if it comes on, its not so bad with etpro mapscripts but still bad map, rather play 6 hours of baserace ^^

(datoo) #18

Fueldump will always hold a special place in my heart. Obviously you are all wrong about which map is the best because it’s not like it’s a matter of opinion or something crazy like that.

(carnage) #19

i wouldnt call goldrush orgasmic in terms of gameplay. its great untill the bank then i find it kinda goes downhill. mainly because half your teams thinks they will be helpful and spam from the bridge leaveing a few players to take on the rest of the axis team inside the bank. oasis roxx though

back to the topic of the new mapper and all. im glad they took him on. i dont think it matters that he comes froma differnt game. its likly that he mapped for some time on other games like quake anyway. as long as he has the skills to work on whatever platfor SD demads all his previous maps should show is creativity and ability. he realy got a nice feel to thoes subway sections, maby we will see him on the forum sometime

i think the tapir ate my signature

(kamikazee) #20

The only map I don’t like of the originals is railgun, just because the weapon code works slightly buggy when one player is on a moving vehicle. It’s allways a mess to get that train to stop.

No, afaik tapirs don’t like manga comics. It must rather have been one of the jealous rainbow equines (they don’t get as much attention as the tapirs) or just Wils.