
(ChumChum) #1

I understand most features of the game will not be revealed. However, I was wondering if this was one that might fly low enough under the radar to reveal. The current RTCW/ET running and jumping includes a form of strafe jumping to allow a player to gain speed. The physics also allow for a person to bunny hop down slopes to gain speed. It exists in Q4 so I am assuming they will remain in ETQW. But since ETQW has been in development for a while, some of the features of the engine may not correspond with Q4.

Was just curious :banana:

(Sick Boy) #2

It better have strafejumping !!!


(omg, the fear is starting to creep in that it just MIGHT not have strafejumping! I’ll die ! Or someone else for that matter ! CONFIRMATION NEEDED ! :eek3: )

( #3

movement is extremely important, i hope its like wolfenstein: enemy territory :notworthy:

it must have strafejumping and a cool movement plz “arcade style” gameplay rulez :wink:

a movement like betafield 2 is :bash: :banghead:

(kamikazee) #4

I don’t like references to Battlefield 2, but please write it right if you do. :wink:

(B0rsuk) #5

I hope ET:QW has skiing, pronejumping, squadhopping, doublejumping (in midair), energy mod, walljumping, rocket jumps, conc jumping, wallrunning, strafejumping,wallclimbing, and all others required to make a good game.

(DarkangelUK) #6

Q4 movement is the same as Q3, so kinda bad example. But yes i do hope the ET/RTCW movement is retained.

(Sauron|EFG) #7

I don’t really care if it’s identical to ET (etpro) or not, as long as it doesn’t feel sluggish or takes you forever to get where you’re going.

(Ifurita) #8

I’ve heard that there will be no jumping or running. For safety, players will only be allowed to walk.

(Harley Quinn) #9

… and all weapons must be holstered unless in use ^^

(Wils) #10

For the first lap of every map, players will be escorted by a yellow Safety-Tapir. Once you’ve crossed the start line once, the tapir will pull to the side and allow the teams to continue on to their objectives as normal.

(ChumChum) #11

I’ve heard that there will be no jumping or running. For safety, players will only be allowed to walk.

Yeah im used to that as I am currently playing CoD2 :o

(SCi-Fi) #12

i really hope that there is no bunny hoping or anything like what is happening in BF2 cos it would kill the game to see someone bounce up and down while in the crawling position shooting at you…

If there is no jumping though ppl will get stuck in stupid places where alittle hop would get them out of it, as for no running that would be stupid but maybe a burst of speed would be more better than constant running…

(ChumChum) #13

(P4nth3r) #14

I think strafejumping should NOT be in a game.
It’s so fake and lame towards the ones that can’t do it or won’t do it.

Greetz Panther

(DarkangelUK) #15

I remember playing the Men Of Valor demo, and you really couldn’t jump in that. Walking around a jungle map with loads of fiolage so you couldnt see the ground, so you got stuck on the smallest rock… was so bloody annoying.

(Loffy) #16

When you hear “The Stroggs have broken into the Bank!” and you know you are the only one standing for the next 10-15 seconds, and you are far away from the objectives (and the Tapirs are only observing - watching you) you NEED speed!

From an upcoming Cruise/Nicholson film:
-“You want the speed?”
-“I deserve the speed!”


(SCDS_reyalP) #17

How could you make a game without bunny hopping/strafejumping and put the ‘quake’ name on it ? :???:

(Ifurita) #18

I think it really comes down to what you want out of the game. I personally love the faster paced action of RTCW and ET. COD feels more real (without the strafe jumping, etc) but it’s also plain boring to me. Give me fast paced action over slavish adherance to realism any day.

(P4nth3r) #19

you got a point.
But I like ET better over RTCW (rtcw was a little bit too fast I think)

Greetz Panther

(SCDS_reyalP) #20
