[RtCW] Adding subtitles in the original non modded game?

(jacKfIsher05) #1

Hi to everyone here at the Splash Damage forums. :slight_smile:

I’m new here and i think to begin to create mods for the original non modded game (mods like for example - complete HD textures for SP/MP and etc) and with that i think to create mod that adds subtitles in the game (in-game, cutscenes) if that is really possible, but i’m not so familiar with the game engine.

I know that most (let’s not say all) of the games that are using idSoftware’s idTech 3/4 engine (for example Doom 3) doesn’t have subtitles, but…


(ronboy) #2

Hello. Having subtitles in Rtcw would be great, but just like you, I don’t know if that is possible.

(fretn) #3

if you can code, everything is possible :wink:

(jacKfIsher05) #4

… but i’m not so familiar with the game engine.

So, fretn, you mean that it’s possible?

I don’t understand from coding, but i know that it’s not easy, because you need to completely write and change some parts of the game code.

ronboy, yes, it would be great.:penguin:

(Eugeny) #5

Adding subtitles in the original non modded game is possible
I added them to the “Victors”

(ronboy) #6

I added them to the “Victors”[/QUOTE]

Are they in Russian or English language?

(Eugeny) #7

any language

(jacKfIsher05) #8

Eugeny, okay, it’s possible (you made my day :penguin:), but how exactly?

I have tried one time to add text on one place in the game, but as i don’t understand from coding, my attempt have failed.

(Eugeny) #9

[QUOTE=jacKfIsher05;405889]Eugeny, okay, it’s possible (you made my day :penguin:), but how exactly?

I have tried one time to add text on one place in the game, but as i don’t understand from coding, my attempt have failed.[/QUOTE]
Should be read the text of the file (s) and parse into an array and then if necessary, in the constant search for the text you want in the array and display

(jacKfIsher05) #10

Eugeny, i don’t understand you

From where the text should be read and from what files?

(Eugeny) #11

Creating a text file, such as “text.txt”, such as a folder “text”
And he writes the text subtitles
“constant”, “text”

look like done in doom 3 or quake 4

(Mateos) #12

What if he doesn’t own that games? ^^’

(jacKfIsher05) #13

^ Yep, I don’t own Doom 3 or Quake 4

(jacKfIsher05) #14

I don’t have what to do, so, I’m looking into the game files and especially the files in Main\pak0.pk3\maps\ , and i see that there is a text in the cutscene.script files

This is part of the text from the cutscene1.script file:

//Brush Scripting
//Map: Crypt2
//Last edited by: Mike 082501


trigger cinematic1
	wait 6750
	trigger player cine1_cam1
	wait 3500
	alertentity knock
	wait 2250
	trigger director talk1	// print Come in...
	wait 500
	trigger jack go
	wait 6750
	trigger director talk2	// print Well jack? Have we heard anything?
	wait 500
	trigger player cine1_cam5
	wait 1500
	trigger jack talk1	// print Yes sir... We've just received a coded transmission from Kessler, our contact in the Kreisau Circle.
	wait 4000
	wait 2000
	trigger director talk3	// print And?...
	wait 1500
	trigger player cine1_cam11
	trigger jack talk2	// print Both agents have been captured and are being held in Castle Wolfenstein.
	wait 4500
	trigger director talk4	// print Damn! Call a meeting.
	trigger player cine1_cam9
	wait 3000
	trigger jack talk3	// Yes sir.
	wait 1000
	trigger player cine1_cam9d
	trigger counter1 cinematic2

I talk about the following text:

Come in…
Well jack? Have we heard anything?
Yes sir… We’ve just received a coded transmission from Kessler, our contact in the Kreisau Circle.
Both agents have been captured and are being held in Castle Wolfenstein.
Damn! Call a meeting.

As I know, this is from the beginning of the game from the first cutscene in the Office Of The Secret Actions where the director is talking with Jack

Watch this video to see for where exactly I’m talking about

Maybe there are subtitles for the cutscenes, but they must be enabled somehow. Who knows.

(Eugeny) #15

Need to edit the function “print”, uncomment these lines and correct function displaying

(ronboy) #16

Maybe Rtcw was originally going to have subtitles, but it got removed from the final product.

(Eugeny) #17

Testing subtitles


(jacKfIsher05) #18

Eugeny, i can say that you are our GOD, our G O D! :slight_smile:

And what exactly must be changed in the .script files?

I’m happy now that at least there can be added subtitles in the cutscenes with the help from Eugeny :slight_smile:

I was trying to add subtitles to the cutscenes and in the game before a long time ago, and i was asking for that if anyone can help me to do it or if it’s possible in different fan sites\forums for the game that don’t exist anymore, but as I don’t understand from coding\programming, i did nothing and I have left with the idea about adding subtitles to the game.

(ronboy) #19

Eugeny, great job! I can now see adding subtitles is possible. :cool:

(Eugeny) #20

I realized the other way, no need to edit the scripts.
in the text file is searched text variable command “playsound” and if found it will be shown on the screen.

Need to go through all the ai scripts and write variables command “playsound”, and record these variables text of dialogues.

map: cutscene1, textfile: text/maps/cutscene1.txt

	"cs1_director_1"	"Come in..."
	"cs1_director_2"	"Well jack?
Have we heard anything?"
	"cs1_director_3"	"And?..."
	"cs1_director_4"	"Damn! Call a meeting."
	"cs1_director_6"	"Alright, gentlemen..."