'Rogue en Vogue' Drop Boosters Explained

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #41

i think im slightly confused.

so the average player with 0 Boosters should have had a case before they get 30 regular cases.

so in other words they need to play around 100 games (~30% drop rate per game)

yet, here i am, i have probably played near 100 games (probably over 100 games, cant confirm precisely, 35 hours this past week, 20 minutes a game)

I played about 60% of that time with 5 boosters, 20% with 4 and 20% with 6, how is it possible that i still don’t have a case, when i have played more games than you would expect for somebody to have played with 0 active boosters before they received a case?

its getting disgusting.

(Chris Mullins) #42

[quote=“Jostabeere;168468”]And it only took you nearly a week to explain how the main mechanic works in an event you worked on for weeks. Good job fooling us with informations like: “Same DROP RATES as normal cases with 10 boosters” and not “less time to get a case with boosters”. I salute you on this event, honestly.
Why didn’t you made an progress bar with 100 games for a case and every booster lowers it for 9 in the first place so people know they have to play a set amount of games?[/quote]

That is still correct. If you have 10 Boosters stacked it is the same relative drop chance as Equipment Cases. The issue is we didn’t specify how they worked, we just said what they achieved and false conclusions were drawn from that which, again, is our fault :frowning:

(Chris Mullins) #43

[quote=“Gandalf_The_Bae;168482”]i think im slightly confused.

so the average player with 0 Boosters should have had a case before they get 30 regular cases.

so in other words they need to play around 100 games (~30% drop rate per game)

yet, here i am, i have probably played near 100 games (probably over 100 games, cant confirm precisely, 35 hours this past week, 20 minutes a game)

I played about 60% of that time with 5 boosters, 20% with 4 and 20% with 6, how is it possible that i still don’t have a case, when i have played more games than you would expect for somebody to have played with 0 active boosters before they received a case?

its getting disgusting.[/quote]

No. If someone doesn’t have Boosters it would be anywhere from 0 to 90 and beyond Equipment Case drops. That’s the nature of chance. You could get one relative to one, five, twenty or maybe five hundred (hopefully not though) Equipment Case drops. The way the system works though is the more Boosters you have, the more your chances improve. And if you have 10 Boosters then you 100 have the same relative drop chance as an Equipment Case. This is completely confirmed by us testing it and community members who have received drops.

(Cletus_VanDamme) #44

I’ve got an idea.

Why don’t you close down the thread on the popular part of the forums and instead open a new one hidden down the bottom of the announcement section that nobody every visits.

That way this whole mess will go away in 2-3 hours when enough threads get bumped / created in the general section.

(Dawnlazy) #45

So… with 8 boosters I should only have 20% of the way to go through to reach the same drop rate as that of a regular case. Still sounds like it doesn’t work if I understand correctly, I’ve most certainly played enough to cover quite a long way into earning 30 regular cases, though I haven’t counted I’m sure that I’ve gotten well over 6 cases playing several hours since wednesday.[/quote]

That is pretty much correct, but it’s based on time remeber and not drop chance. So you’ll need to play less time to get to the same drop rate cap as Equipment Cases.[/quote]

And shouldn’t I have already covered the time needed to fill in the last 20% given that I’ve probably put over 20 hours of in-game time since then? I mean if 100% of the time required to reach the cap is roughly equal to the time it takes for 30 regular cases to drop, and I’ve had far more than 6 cases drop since then (6 being 20% of 30 cases), considering how a play session of about 5 hours in a day can usually drop me 2-3 cases it sounds like I’m way off from the statistical average.

I’m only citing myself as an example, there are tons of other players that have nolifed the crap out of Dirty Bomb with 5-10 boosters since wednesday and have gotten 30+ cases in the meantime with no event drops in sight.

Unless I’m completely misundestanding something here, but isn’t clocking 20-30 hours of playtime since wednesday enough to cover 50%+ of the window of time it would take to get about 30 case drops?

(ZeSpecter) #46

I sure wouldn’t mind it if you expanded this week’s rotation by at least another 2 days… Just because of the lack of information and the fact that if we knew this beforehand there wouldn’t be nearly as many people who would have wasted all their credits for a flawed system like that.

Or a refund, that would be the best

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #47

you say right here that the average player should get one at ~30 cases

sorry if im just not getting this but

how can it be possible for somebody with 5 boosters to be over what the average player needs to play to receive a case with 0 boosters?

i get that this is based off of time and not “drop rate”, but i thought each booster reduced the time required (on average) by 10%, so 5 boosters should reduce the time needed by 50%?

surely 50% of 30 is around 15 cases needed (for the average player) with 5 active boosters

guess im just that rare player that needs 3 more than the average i guess

I’m not privy to enough information about boosters and drop rates to make claims that the stuff doesn’t work, but i cant say I’m happy about all this.

(MarsRover) #48

By the way Shoe does not want to acknowledge my question about that we can deduce the answer is no.

(vdll) #49

Why can’t we have it like this: 1st event case is guaranteed after the first match and then you can go with all the mumbo-jumbo-complicated-chance-stuff?

(Cletus_VanDamme) #50

lol average person will get one after around 30 equipment cases, yet I haven’t seen shit after 50 equipment cases with 8 boosters.

But she’s all good right m8, bonza!

(Occult) #51

prepare for future disappointment

(ZeSpecter) #52

By the way Shoe does not want to acknowledge my question about that we can deduce the answer is no.[/quote]

Huh, figures

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #53

but you said right [quote=“convincingMollusk;168504”]Why can’t we have it like this: 1st event case is guaranteed[/quote]

i mean, i guess that what that case for 500 cycles is supposed to be for, but that could be any of the mercs (excluding aura and skyhammer), wish we could also get one of those for each week , and not 1 for 5 weeks, i think if that were the case (no pun intended) people might be a bit happier about this “scandal”.

(Cletus_VanDamme) #54

Yeah nah apology not accepted SD.

You gonna make this right or not?

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #55

basically sums up this whole event.

(OatmealFox) #56

The math need in me thinks that this is really neat. On another note, I like how it makes it so that you are not totally disadvantaged if you don’t spend any cycles on boosters.

(boerhae) #57

@stayfreshshoe Thanks for the explanation.

(BazBling) #58

Wait…What!! slaps self in face

(triteCherry) #59

By the way Shoe does not want to acknowledge my question about that we can deduce the answer is no.[/quote]

Well he made an explanation post to correct the lack of information they gave us which he admitted was their fault, so that should make everything right. Right? Right?!?

I hope he’s not assuming that even though they misinformed the Dirty Bomb community that it’s the communities fault in some way for buying the boosters or that even though the boosters do function that we got what we paid for even though potentially people could have made a different decision if we were informed properly.

(feigenstaub) #60

Why not display the current drop rate? Where is the problem?

Now with your explanation, we can have the max drop rate without any booster, just playing “x” hours (would be interesting which number is “x”).

So, but we don’t know if we just reached the max drop rate so it can be, that we buy a booster that boosts nothing, 0,0!

Why u don’t make it clear and show us the drop rate and time left for max drop rate or next drop rate raise.
Do u have anything to hide??
if this all is correct what u say, then it should not be a problem to show that