'Rogue en Vogue' Drop Boosters Explained

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #21

I didn’t get any in the “Containment War” Event. (other than the one i bought with real money)

Nor did i get any in the “What the Dickens” Event.

also looks like i’m not getting any in this event either.

I must be (and hundreds of other people) the most unlucky son of a bitch on the planet.

people keep getting rammed up the arse by the excessive amount of RNG in this game.

(MTLMortis) #22

This about sums up my feelings about this whole thing:

(Jesus) #23

Basically you still scammed people of their credit.

(Gandalf_The_Bae) #24

^^ nor the other two events either, probably wont for the next event either

(Chris Mullins) #25

This is true, unless you had a starting balance of Credits to buy Cycles with. All cases will be dropping in the 5th week and all Suspect Equipment Cases will be purchasable too.[/quote]

Still, meaning the people who want cards for the first week’s rotation HAVE to get 10 boosters, because obviously playing 11+ hours on aimee alone does not even get you a single case with 5 active boosters.[/quote]

There is the chance that you will get a case from with 5 Boosters, but you have a much better chance of receiving one if you have more stacked and Equipment Case drop rates with 10.

(Chris Mullins) #26

[quote=“Randomdeath;168438”]bullshit. Friend played with 10 boosters for 20+ matches and nothing


Can you send me their account info please? In all of our tests on the live environment we have received a case within the first few matches.

(Chris Mullins) #27

[quote=“Gandalf_The_Bae;168436”]I think all of this could be resolved if you just told us roughly how many games we need to play for each number of boosters.

[quote=“stayfreshshoe;28103”] Without purchasing any boosters the average player should get an Event Case drop after at least 30 Equipment cases have dropped, while 1 in 1000 players might see over 90 Equipment Cases before they get one.

shoe. (added in the upper end of the spectrum)[/quote]

I have spent almost all of my free time this past week on this dodgy event, i have (had) 5 boosters, and spent the past day with 6, i have had probably about 30ish regular cases drop, so this 30 with 0 boosters seems completely false,

you would think after many many hours i would have at least ONE case to show for it, but no.

I feel let down and misled by the way this event has been explained

We apologise for the handling of communication with this feature. As this is quite a complicated system we wanted to try and explain it in the easiest way possible, but unfortunately it left too many threads open and not enough information given :frowning:

(Dawnlazy) #28

So… it still doesn’t make sense that with 8 boosters I haven’t seen a drop since wednesday. I’ve played several hours every day, on Aimee alone it’s roughly 8:30 plus who knows how many more hours on other mercs.

[quote=“N8o;168442”][quote=“Randomdeath;168438”]bullshit. Friend played with 10 boosters for 20+ matches and nothing


Did you even read the post[/quote]

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten through 20 games without a case drop, hell even going through 5-ish full stopwatch games usually guarantees a case.

(MarsRover) #29

OK. Nice to get an explanation how the boosters really work. This is a very simple system, I don’t know why someone earlier claimed that is was complicated.

But now that it is confirmed that they work differently to what the we expected, how do I apply for a transfer of my cycles back to credits?

(Chris Mullins) #30

[quote=“MarsRover;168455”]OK. Nice to get an explanation how the boosters really work. This is a very simple system, I don’t know why someone earlier claimed that is was complicated.

But now that it is confirmed that they work differently to what the we expected, how do I apply for a transfer of my cycles back to credits?[/quote]

The problem is we didn’t really explain how they worked and talked more about what they accomplished. When you get 10 Boosters stacked you do have the same relative chance of getting an Event Case as you do an Equipment Case. And this is a linear path in the form of time as each Booster removes 10% of time playtime to hit that drop rate. However as this wasn’t covered in detail before some players thought it was a straight percentage increase when it was a lot more complicated then that. Also this data was based on speculation and not fact which exacerbated things further :frowning:

We agree that we should have explained it in more detail beforehand, but as this is quite a complicated system we wanted to try and explain it in the easiest way possible, but unfortunately it left too stones unturned.

(TheShmoo) #31

Finally an explanation, which is appreciated even though its late. I’m just gonna play and see what happens but my trust in the game has received a significant blow. I hope this kind of mistakes don’t happen in the future.

(FerfyDerf) #32

[quote=“stayfreshshoe;168461”][quote=“MarsRover;168455”]OK. Nice to get an explanation how the boosters really work. This is a very simple system, I don’t know why someone earlier claimed that is was complicated.

But now that it is confirmed that they work differently to what the we expected, how do I apply for a transfer of my cycles back to credits?[/quote]

The problem is we didn’t really explain how they worked and talked more about what they accomplished. When you get 10 Boosters stacked you do have the same relative chance of getting an Event Case as you do an Equipment Case. And this is a linear path in the form of time as each Booster removes 10% of time playtime to hit that drop rate. However as this wasn’t covered in detail before some players thought it was a straight percentage increase when it was a lot more complicated then that. Also this data was based on speculation and not fact which exacerbated things further :frowning:

We agree that we should have explained it in more detail beforehand, but as this is quite a complicated system we wanted to try and explain it in the easiest way possible, but unfortunately it left too stones unturned.[/quote]

What about the second half of MarsRover’s question?

(Merci1ess) #33

You’re making this event so much more complicated than you could’ve make it for the sole purpose of making people spend all of their credits and have a slight chance of getting what they want in the end. You can simply say hey… Here’s a special loadout card for every single mercenary. They cost 50k credit each. Within these 5 weeks, you can collect 50k credits to buy the card you want. Plain and simple. You’re complicating things by implementing RNG systems everywhere and fail at actually making the system work. Then you have the audacity to defend your flawed system when alot of players are telling you hey… there’s a fucking problem here dude. People aren’t stupid. They can smell bullshit where there is bullshit. Worst than that, you have your “Lead designer” pretty much insult people for complaining about your flawed system by saying there’s a “massive dead sea amounts of salt”?

.I… …I.

Now every single time someone has a problem with the boosters you’re asking them for their accounts to check it out or something. Wasting time on trying to figure out what the problem is for each and every account just because the greed is oozing out of every O-R-I-F-I-C-E (sorry for that, no idea why this word is censured) of the company when you can simply come out with a very simple system which implies one person giving you money and you giving them whatever the fuck they paid for. Simple isn’t it? I mean you can do it! You’ve done it with the skull trinket which had me give you 5 dollars for the fucking thing and both parties were happy! I give you 5 dollars… you give me the trinket! BOOM! clap clap Fucking clap

You are forcing the hand of all your players to just buy cases with $$$ because this is you, $_$. I really hope that no one is paying you in this event because god knows you do not deserve a fuckin’ dime.

(MarsRover) #34

[quote=“stayfreshshoe;168461”][quote=“MarsRover;168455”]OK. Nice to get an explanation how the boosters really work. This is a very simple system, I don’t know why someone earlier claimed that is was complicated.

But now that it is confirmed that they work differently to what the we expected, how do I apply for a transfer of my cycles back to credits?[/quote]

The problem is we didn’t really explain how they worked and talked more about what they accomplished. When you get 10 Boosters stacked you do have the same relative chance of getting an Event Case as you do an Equipment Case. And this is a linear path in the form of time as each Booster removes 10% of time playtime to hit that drop rate. However as this wasn’t covered in detail before some players thought it was a straight percentage increase when it was a lot more complicated then that. Also this data was based on speculation and not fact which exacerbated things further :frowning:

We agree that we should have explained it in more detail beforehand, but as this is quite a complicated system we wanted to try and explain it in the easiest way possible, but unfortunately it left too stones unturned.[/quote]

Yes, I understand that. What about my question? :smile:

(Jostabeere) #35

And it only took you nearly a week to explain how the main mechanic works in an event you worked on for weeks. Good job fooling us with informations like: “Same DROP RATES as normal cases with 10 boosters” and not “less time to get a case with boosters”. I salute you on this event, honestly.
Why didn’t you made an progress bar with 100 games for a case and every booster lowers it for 9 in the first place so people know they have to play a set amount of games?

(Cletus_VanDamme) #36

What a joke of a company, game and event.

I am lost for words.

Where do I apply to get my wasted credits back?

(Dawnlazy) #37

So… with 8 boosters I should only have 20% of the way to go through to reach the same drop rate as that of a regular case. Still sounds like it doesn’t work if I understand correctly, I’ve most certainly played enough to cover quite a long way into earning 30 regular cases, though I haven’t counted I’m sure that I’ve gotten well over 6 cases playing several hours since wednesday.

(vdll) #38

So, if I’m correct, the priorities for this event are:

  1. Buy 1 Culprit Case
  2. Buy trinkets
  3. Spend the rest of cycles on Suspect Cases
  4. Forget about boosters and pray to RNGeezus instead

(solace_) #39


(Chris Mullins) #40

So… with 8 boosters I should only have 20% of the way to go through to reach the same drop rate as that of a regular case. Still sounds like it doesn’t work if I understand correctly, I’ve most certainly played enough to cover quite a long way into earning 30 regular cases, though I haven’t counted I’m sure that I’ve gotten well over 6 cases playing several hours since wednesday.[/quote]

That is pretty much correct, but it’s based on time remeber and not drop chance. So you’ll need to play less time to get to the same drop rate cap as Equipment Cases.