rocket launcher vs vehicles.

(Waaaggh) #1

so i’m looking at some ign videos and i’m seeing this guy locking on hornets and shooting them down with 2 rockets under 10 seconds each. is it me or that doesn’t take much skill? in Battlefield 2 you haveto lead your rockets with your mouse, and i think that makes for more fair gameplay than just aimbotting the poor little vehicles that can’t even withstand automatic fire.

is there more to it that i’m not aware of? a limited range to the rocket launcher’s lock-on? or missile counter-measures like flares? if not, i don’t think i want to be in a vehicle in quakewars :wink:

(Got-JuicE) #2

In Bf2 the air vechicle rules all, they are making it so that soldiers can take out vechicles also, this is good so it evens shit out, so you don’t have guys using air vechicles the whole time and just rapeing everyone and knowone can touch them.

(Hakuryu) #3

The pilots in the video were noobs or so intent on trying to kill someone they didn’t try to evade at all. All they had to do was fly away, behind something, or try to evade a lock-on, but they didn’t. It didn’t seem like anyone really cared about winning, but rather in playing with the toys for their short duration.

If you watch the soldier firing them, he doesn’t get the kills by randomly shooting, but by keeping the flyer in his sights and shooting when they are locked and mostly moving to or away from him. Same basic tactics as BF2 when your using stingers from the ground, but in this game you actually hit what you aim at. Like the poster above said, no more air ownage, you’re going to have to earn it if you fly in Quake Wars.

Looks perfect to me, but we didn’t get to see any shots at a flyer going by fast and perpendicular to the rocket soldier. If that hits easily then maybe infantry is tougher than flyers, but I’m betting position and direction, turn angles for rockets, and other factors are present.

(Nail) #4

there are countermeasures (chaff or flares) for air vehicles, plus evading skills, pilots will have to be good

(taken) #5

Imo better than bf2 where we have to use 4-6 jeeps to get out of helirape…