Reading this thread makes one think that most here thinks, forum posting is a game.
Reputation system is stupid
Wait, is this one of these threads again where you post and people will give you pity rep?
If so, count me in ! :stroggbanana:
you’re such a hypocrite! here’s the sequence:
- xTriXxy makes a retarded post
- i give him neg rep for that retarded post
- he gives back neg rep ONLY because i gave him neg rep for a retarded post. ie neg rep without reason!
- if that’s the game he plays, i’m in. i give him neg rep back.
- then i cancel out my neg rep by giving him pos rep. i wanna see if he also pos-reps back. of course he didn’t, neither does he mention it. i cancel out my pos rep again.
if rep if so unimportant, then explain this:
that much about your signature “I WILL GIVE ONLY POSITIVE FEEDBACK TO YOU!”
if you don’t care, then why did you create the topic in the first place? don’t behave like a retard and you won’t get neg rep.
sure. i will give back good rep only! but bad rep… will be returned
tip! just add me to your ignore list! i realy dont care about your opinions joe and wolfnemesis!!!
Sure. Don’t bash the system for encouraging abuse, stupidity and petty sniping.
hehe i just discovered it, so im started to give ratings to all that agrees with me
thats a bunch tbh
Haters gonna hate… whats the problem if I circle jerk boost my reputation because its funny? Does that make you not sleeping at night?
/care anyway I prefer a postcount, but geing all over drama queen because we abuse a system that is useless in the first place is kinda mockable.
The positive rep isn’t really the issue since it’s useless. It’s the negative system that people resort to when they don’t have an argument that brings down the level of discussion. For the record, I haven’t gotten a negative vote since the system was put front and center but that doesn’t mean I can’t plainly see it being used to exchange empty negativity instead of arguments.
If people could only vote up people they agreed with then it would be fine. While still worthless, it wouldn’t have a negative impact. On the other hand, having an “agree” button under posts (not posters) would actually be an interesting measure and maybe cut the “+1” posts.
On the other hand, having an “agree” button under posts (not posters) would actually be an interesting measure and maybe cut the “+1” posts.[/snip][/QUOTE]
Sounds just like facebook.
Splash Damage and Facebook, we know how that ends:
(only in the best most epic game ever)
Facebook similarities aside, I actually think that this would be a more effective system than what’s there now and it’s something we’ve been looking at.
dont want to advertise here, but take a look at this forum:
no titles, no postcount, no reputation.
theres just an awsome alert system and a “like” system. no negative vibes there.
from design and functionality this is actually the best game forum i have ever been in.
Aside from the rep issue(s), isn’t it time Splash Damage either upgraded to vBulletin 4 or looked at alternatives such as Xenforo?
Thanks to vB 4 many of vB users moved to xenforo. SEO in vb4 is horrible. You have to purchase vBSEO for another €150. Most of vb4 plugins are unsecured in vb4 and site can be hacked anytime.
Xenforo is just vb clone missing lots of things now, maybe later it become good community solution but admin panel is a joke in compare with vbulletin, where you can edit and setup almost everything. I think IPB is new CMS star. + most of the modders moved to IPB from vbulletin.
i guess the infraction he currently has was also for “nothing”, wasn’t it? :rolleyes:
infraction from salteh for oslo bombing thread @ atached graphic pics. btw salteh lol im glad you are keeping tapir shelter clean and tidy