Reputation Points

(stealth6) #361

Potato Tomato Potato Tomato

(its al bout security) #362

i have been noticing there are anti-rep whores around

people that give negative rep for no reason like Bandwidth_Bandito and BMXr

i am confused why people like to troll like this.

(iezza) #363

I iz not gotz a STAAAR!

(Aristotle) #364

I check it on a daily basis to make sure nobody nega repped me again :frowning:

(Apples) #365

BUMPity BuMp

(UJERebel) #366

RepWell on a vacation?

it’s not empty i may hope :o :eek:

(badman) #367

I fear we may have gone from “Club for Cool Kids” to “Riders of Coattails” here. :frowning: