Reputation Points

(Dthy) #341

I’ve probably earned all my rep just from this thread, no joke. And im now 20,000 yen in debt to someone because of it :frowning:

(shagileo) #342

which should be around 1 dollar and 45 cents
you’re still good

(Dthy) #343

I used XE, it’s £153. I’d dream of that money

(its al bout security) #344

ooh one more star on from dauk!! this is rediculose all of us probably gained a star from here :smiley: rep whores unite!!!

(UJERebel) #345

I didnt earn a star Yet :eek:

But my rep has multiplied by 4 since i started posting…

Seems like a magic rep well :smiley:


Whow now i do, it multiplied again :stuck_out_tongue: thanks to who? :stuck_out_tongue:

Third star woot :smiley:

(light_sh4v0r) #346

Check your dashboard :wink:

(Nail) #347

now you got a new star

(tokamak) #348

Guys stop repping me. I’m not giving it back and I don’t want to be guilt-tripped into it any more either.

(shagileo) #349

You can always disable rep, I believe

(UJERebel) #350

I love this thread =) Thanks all!!!

3 stars now, feeling special :mad::mad:

(Pegazus) #351

How many times some of you check the “My Dashboard” section per day?

(UJERebel) #352

Way to many after this thread :smiley:

Normally once a month, now twice a day :o :eek:

(Pegazus) #353

Check again.

(kamikazee) #354

[QUOTE=Pegazus;340451]How many times some of you check the “My Dashboard” section per day?[/QUOTE]Stop reminding me of my addiction!

(tokamak) #355

I don’t mind receiving rep, but not as a part of a pyramid scheme any longer.

(light_sh4v0r) #356

Clever, this actually makes me want to rep you :o

(tokamak) #357

Works on girls as well. Anyway I just figured that if I want to stay out of this, I should just not post here any more. Ciao.

(DarkangelUK) #358

It’s my browsers homepage.

(shagileo) #359

This section is the fountain of Rep

It used to be a dark corner of this forum, but more and more pirates are digging this treasure isle
Maybe I should consider giving “Rep Pleasure Isle” tours to tell visitors about the island that made DAUK a giant and many other mythological creatures for some rep

(Pegazus) #360

“Rep Pleasure Isle”[/QUOTE]

You mean a bordel?