Reputation Points

(Nail) #181

Apples, you and me gotta get drunk sometime, toast french women everywhere

(Apples) #182


What I really need to do is stop gettin drunk alone randomly during the week when I have work the morning after… But meh.

(Pegazus) #183

Internet hates me. It keeps telling me I need to spread around some more rep in order to give the same person again. Am spreading it and spreading it until it can’t spread no longer. Nothing works.

(DarkangelUK) #184

Don’t know what the limit is, need to give at least 4 or 5 others some rep before you can rep the same person again. It used to be something stupid like 20 other people before badman changed it.

(shagileo) #185

[quote=Apples;278976]Free rep for everyone who left a message on me introducing myself (this sound super gross translated into french, meh)



aaaah feels good :cool:

(Nail) #186

hmmm, the thread portion of my rep box mostly just says N/A, did some of my work get deleted ?

I’d like to see the threads I got poked on

(tokamak) #187

Yeah it means the thread you posted in got deleted.

(Herandar) #188

Wow, look at that DAUK fella… He sure is splendid to behold.

(Nail) #189

must work in a garden center, discount fertilizer


(shagileo) #190

Oh man, he’s just crushing reputation levels like bugs :o

HOWEVER, I always wanted to ask - what’s that orange bubble in your snooper, Nail?

(Nail) #191

Shaun joined the Resistance, soon to be a nice frenched rack

(DarkangelUK) #192

lol I guessed what it was straight away, made me smile.

It’s a long haul till the next level… time to go insult some more people!

(Pegazus) #193

I have an orange scarf that I wear. Am I part of the resistance?

(shagileo) #194

Well that greenish colour is the new orange
Orange is so passé

(Pegazus) #195

Indeed. SD Has a lot of orange.

(Nail) #196

DaUK has 2 shades of green. apparently suck up points are darker


(DarkangelUK) #197

Aww my 30 odd stars have gone. Oh well, suck up stars it is then.

(tokamak) #198

Still haven’t made my mind up about the way the reputation you hand out depends on the amount of reputation you own. That means people with high reputation really can throw their weight around while people with no reputation have not much of an effect.

(DarkangelUK) #199

Isn’t rep based on number of posts you have rather than how much rep you have yourself? That’s how I saw it.

(Herandar) #200

Pretty sure it is related to rep, actually.