[Renderer] Nvidia OpenGL driver has lost connection with the display driver

(The-Crow) #321



Wow, a stab at US gamers. Are slurs like this appropriate/acceptable here? This is a technical forum and not the place, IMO, for political posturing.[/QUOTE]

Do you actually know what Political posturing is ? because what has happened here is not it.

Back on topic: Im not even playing Brink right now between the crashing & the people losing all their progress and Unlocks It is just not worth it. I have also recomended my friends to not buy the game at this time.

There is a lot of potential here but right now things are too broken and I kinda regret pre-ordering.

(asus) #322

Well guys, I took matters into my own hands and sent out a nice email to about 15 different gaming/tech related websites and have gotten some pretty positive replies back. Tweaktown was super quick and they already posted an article about it.


Pretty sure more sites are going to be picking up on this, so hopefully Splash Damage/Bethesda can’t leave us in the dark much longer.

(Tzheng) #323

Well, the funny thing I found out is that my friend doesn’t encounter the crash ever… He has a GTX470 stock clockrate, just like mine. Some differences between our PCs: He has a Intel Quad Core with 4GB RAM. I have an i7 870 with 8GB RAM. He has a smaller power supply, I think 550V, mines is 700V. My monitor is 23", and his is like 19" or something. THE BIG DIFFERENCE: He has windows XP, because his computer got completely totaled by some virus, and he has no OS CD. I have Win7 x64, and the thing is, he can’t get DX10 or DX11 on his XP. This is one theory to the problem. IT COULD BE OS RELATED, OR DIRECTX RELATED… im not fully sure, but i’m stating this fact. We have the exact same graphics card, and his OS and lack of DX10/11 is the only significant difference. On a side note, we can both run the game on maximum settings, and the game will run at 60FPS.

(mR.Waffles) #324

[QUOTE=Crispy;312871]I notice some people have reported workarounds by lowering the in-game resolution.

Can anyone confirm if this reduces the number of ‘Nvidia OpenGL driver has lost connection with the display driver’ crashes they are experiencing?[/QUOTE]

I get the crash within 5 minutes with 1920x1080, but at 1360x768 I can run for about half an hour on average before crashing. Sometimes I can go a whole 2 hours.

2 GTX 460 se’s in SLI
Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.9ghz
Windows 7 64bit

(Jet Black) #325

I think the OS probably does have something to do with it, but the game is OpenGL so the lack of DX10 or 11 is not really relevant.

I wish I still dual-booted XP, I’d give it a try. Anyone have XP on their crashing system to test this?

(SpawnTDK) #326

[QUOTE=asus;315206]Well guys, I took matters into my own hands and sent out a nice email to about 15 different gaming/tech related websites and have gotten some pretty positive replies back. Tweaktown was super quick and they already posted an article about it.


Pretty sure more sites are going to be picking up on this, so hopefully Splash Damage/Bethesda can’t leave us in the dark much longer.[/QUOTE]

i hope the other sites do a better job then tweaktown … thats some third rate stuff there

There is an OpenGL issue which ruins the game for any NVIDIA GeForce GTX 400 or 500-series owner,

i use a gtx 570 and don’t have this problem … like thousands of other too.
thats realy some f**ed up wanna be journalism… nice, let’s send him a cookie …

Question time for Splash Damage, Bethesda and NVIDIA. Does anyone at your company have half a brain?

ok … not a cookie, let’s send him and his fellowers some nice pills

(ZOor) #327

Spawn, do yout get money for defending this **** **** of a game? its clear that this “game” has problems. even the xbox360 is ****ed up. freezes and flittering screens.

a lot of ati users with realy normal cards have problems and nividia users too. so there is no doupt that sd didnt tested the game before releasing it.

(SpawnTDK) #328

oh no! it realy has problems? hot news!
i’m aware of this, but also i’m a sysadmin, so i can feel the pain from behind the curtain, and try to understand that software can have some major flaws in these days is a part of my job.
blaming only sd for this problem is childisch and stupid. every damned user can use google when it comes to porn, but when it comes to a software problem … naaa, they play stupid and blame others for it.
using google shows me that this is mostly (in my opinion) a problem of windows (the system that makes user lazy) and/or the nvidia drivers. but i can be wrong here, but flaming around about spiled milk won’t help anyone, it’s just stupid and binds somewhere else needed manpower, nothing else.
i won’t say it’s not sd “fault”, but it can also be a problem of microsoft, id, nvidia and the forth rider of the apocalypse.

what i posted about this “article” is my opinion, because i realy think that stuff is bull because it hasen’t been realy researched. it’s just bla.
it could be a post from this forum too, ad some paragraphs and formatting, done.
again: i use a gtx570 / dual core combo on winsucks 7 and don’t have any major problems, except some fps breakdowns from time to time, that bull from tweaktown states that everyone has the opengl bug or only single digit frames, but PLAINLY NOT TRUE

edit: ah, i forgot another problem, i have invisible enemies sometimes, but i won’t play crybaby, stuff like that can happen, but i’m sure it will be fixed.

(Inkubus) #329

[QUOTE=asus;315206]Well guys, I took matters into my own hands and sent out a nice email to about 15 different gaming/tech related websites and have gotten some pretty positive replies back. Tweaktown was super quick and they already posted an article about it.


Pretty sure more sites are going to be picking up on this, so hopefully Splash Damage/Bethesda can’t leave us in the dark much longer.[/QUOTE]

Ugh. Everyone thinks they can be a journalist these days.
This guy definitely can not.

(Instant_Soldier) #330

[QUOTE=The-Crow;314911]Do you actually know what Political posturing is ? because what has happened here is not it.

Back on topic: -snip- [/QUOTE]

Of course I do, I stay in the US. How about you, jelly brain? My point, since you obviously don’t have a clue, is that stuff like that doesn’t have a place in a GAME forum, sir. BTW, you should be embarrassed after a tone-deaf display like this.

Yeah, BOT: It looks like this “game” was released by SD with complete knowledge that it was broken. I love it! :slight_smile:

(RobbieG) #331

Spawn tdk im sorry but you more than once contradict yourself in your above statement. You dont even know what the problem is or could be because you dont have it nor have you tried to fix it.

The games is F____d! on more than one platform and doesnt run on my PC without me stressing a £1700 systems component with forced shutdowns. Do you think SD are gonna replace f____d system parts because there BETA isnt working NO they wont.

SD have not said anything to there community in 7 days thats bad support, irresponsible and down right ignortant.

They will lose lots of customers for this rediculas excuse of a fully developed game and there hiding because of it.

7 days is more than enough time to come out and admit the game is needing fixed but heads in sand as usual once they have there cash.

(Instant_Soldier) #332

SD have not said anything to there community in 7 days thats bad support, irresponsible and down right ignortant.[/QUOTE]

Indeed! A sticky saying that a fix IS being worked on would go a long way towards soothing the savage beast.

(SpawnTDK) #333

roB bIe g
i see, you haven’t understood my post and you haven’t read the whole thread.
but well, my native language is not english, there can be some missunderstandings, personaly i don’t care, all i can do is try to help (yes i did :rolleyes:) and reply to crap someone postet.
oh, and i forgot, brink was the first game i every tried, so i haven’t got these kind of problems (or smilar) with different games in the past. :rolleyes:

(Instant_Soldier) #334

Wow, first PC game huh? No offense Spawn, but that explains your emotional attachment completely. I’ve been doing this since the first PC games (almost 30-years), and I can tell you with certainty that new releases haven’t always been this rocky. Also, count yourself as lucky because you can even play Brink, and try to be a bit more understanding of those who aren’t as fortunate.

The very next game you buy may subject you to the same issues some of us are experiencing, and I’m reasonably sure you won’t want to be told to “shut up and be patient.”

(jfunk) #335

No it wouldn’t. The very same people would simply reply with raging posts there too.

They’ve responded here and are working on it. They’ll say more when there is something to report or they need more information. If that’s not sufficient for you, you should seek a refund sooner rather than later.

(SpawnTDK) #336


(asus) #337

[QUOTE=SpawnTDK;315551]oh no! it realy has problems? hot news!
i’m aware of this, but also i’m a sysadmin, so i can feel the pain from behind the curtain[/QUOTE]

No, you’re just an obvious fanboy that can’t handle the truth. You’ve been defending this game throughout this entire thread despite the fact that that it’s broken and was obviously not tested before release. A problem this bad, as well as the abysmal ATI/AMD performance should have never even slipped through QA. What about the white texture squares that ATI 4800 series owners had out of the box? Did they really not play the game AT ALL on a 4800 GPU? They obviously didn’t even test the game on a GTX 4/5 series card either, seeing as how they didn’t even reproduce the crash until days after this thread was made. That’s just piss poor QA.

[QUOTE=Inkubus;315554]Ugh. Everyone thinks they can be a journalist these days.
This guy definitely can not.[/QUOTE]

Why? Because he’s an obvious PC gamer that doesn’t like the direction that PC gaming is going, and is brutally honest about it? I say it’s about time someone stepped up and called the publishers/developers out, otherwise this new trend of releasing broken/bug ridden games that miraculously pass QA is going to continue.

It’s bad business when a good chunk of the community can’t even play the game for over a week after they pay for and install it.

(asus) #338

Sorry double post.

(Insomnia80) #339

This Bug has to be fixed asap, that´s for sure. A Mod who would tell or quote the status would be nice. Not good not to react here.

While it´s going to be fixed, it would be great if we could put off the intro, i see it a dozen times every evening, plz, put it off after the 50th startup or whatever. Then we can directly reconnect and maybe join same server and same team instead of waiting for free space on server and team while the clan is playing.
Also, XP-save while playing would be nice, everytime i loose a few thousand xp, everyone i play with has few levels more than me.

(RobbieG) #340

[QUOTE=jfunk;315774]No it wouldn’t. The very same people would simply reply with raging posts there too.

They’ve responded here and are working on it. They’ll say more when there is something to report or they need more information. If that’s not sufficient for you, you should seek a refund sooner rather than later.[/QUOTE]

If you are refering to them stating in this post “we have created this issue in house” In noway states they are working on a fix. Now as i said before im not saying they wont fix it but to passify customers and keep the wolves from the door they should keeps there communuity upto date REGULARY. You need to remember WE are the ones paying for a BROKEN product that keeps them in jobs.

A simple statement like the following would suffice people to know they actually f----n care.

" Hey everyone we are very sorry to see that some of our community are having problems with BRINK and there nvidia cards. We have been able to recreate this error in house and are currently working on a fix asap. We would like to thank you for your patience in this and will keep you upto date with future updates. Thank you again SD"

Now thats Seeples!