[Renderer] Nvidia OpenGL driver has lost connection with the display driver

(RobbieG) #181

Win 7 64Bit
Nvidia SLi GTX 460
Intel 920 i7 @ 4.2 gig
6 gig ddr 3 ocz

All maps @ 1920x1080

All other games run perfectly fine on this system with no errors at all.

I cant believe that SD have not admitted theres an issue with this be it a driver or game related problem and that they are going to or are looking into addressing it.

My games on standstill just now as constant hard lockups and reboots are not good on your systems components.


(asus) #182

[QUOTE=RobbieG;305378]Win 7 64Bit
Nvidia SLi GTX 460
Intel 920 i7 @ 4.2 gig
6 gig ddr 3 ocz

All maps @ 1920x1080

All other games run perfectly fine on this system with no errors at all.

I cant believe that SD have not admitted theres an issue with this be it a driver or game related problem and that they are going to or are looking into addressing it.

My games on standstill just now as constant hard lockups and reboots are not good on your systems components.


They actually have acknowledged it in this very thread and were able to reproduce the problem in-house. Maybe you should actually read through the thread before tossing around assumptions.

But yeah, I feel your pain since I have the exact same setup as you. My system has locked up enough and I’m not playing again until it’s fixed. I just hope we don’t have to wait much longer.

(Junkie219) #183

Yes. That’s the point! :wink:
So i hope SD will fix this soon and will post the status in this thread.

(Nocti) #184

Got the same problem.

Win 7 64bit
KFA2 GeForce GTX 460 (270.61 drivers)
i5 750 @ 4GHz
4 Gig DDR3

Happens on all maps, might be coincidence but I’m also noticing it more when I’m finishing an interaction with something. Running at 1900x1080.

(RobbieG) #185

[QUOTE=asus;305384]They actually have acknowledged it in this very thread and were able to reproduce the problem in-house. Maybe you should actually read through the thread before tossing around assumptions.

But yeah, I feel your pain since I have the exact same setup as you. My system has locked up enough and I’m not playing again until it’s fixed. I just hope we don’t have to wait much longer.[/QUOTE]

Ive read this whole thread and it doesnt state anywhere they have recreated the exact error, they have only said we have reproduced this issue. Nothing states what they have tested for be it res, nvidia cards, drivers, etc.

If they say what exactly they have tested then it shows knowledge of the exact error and albeit 12th may and no fix something is seriously fuped up if they cant patch it. This issue has been here since American release and nothing done.The game should have been sent out for beta testing to iron out issues like this.

Yet another failed release from another company seeking money faster than game stability.

(Chex) #186

[QUOTE=RobbieG;305470]Ive read this whole thread and it doesnt state anywhere they have recreated the exact error, they have only said we have reproduced this issue. Nothing states what they have tested for be it res, nvidia cards, drivers, etc.

If they say what exactly they have tested then it shows knowledge of the exact error and albeit 12th may and no fix something is seriously fuped up if they cant patch it. This issue has been here since American release and nothing done.The game should have been sent out for beta testing to iron out issues like this.

Yet another failed release from another company seeking money faster than game stability.[/QUOTE]

So SD has to report it’s internal testing results and keep you updated on the progress which is “already” taking more than 2 days?
Chill out dude.
It’s like you never witnessed a game release before. Something WILL brake down even after months of beta testing, thats what patches are for.

(HuXx) #187

I havent seen any posts over at Nvidia asking about Brink CTD problems.

I cant get past the little rectangle box that says Bethseda. It just drops to desktop :frowning:

Was so looking forward to playing yesterday i came home with out doing any over time.

Edit, Oops forgot my specs

Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 970 @ 3.20GHz

6.0 GB Ram

Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

GeForce GTX 460 SLi

(est7) #188

[QUOTE=Crispy;300712]We have reproduced the issue internally.

Please can everyone experiencing this problem post their graphics card and the resolutions they experience this in below.[/QUOTE]

I too experience this issue intermittently. I’ve gone as long as 6-8 hours of play without it occurring.

I play brink at 1920x1080.

DxDiag here: http://pastebin.com/QBbDEmRB

(Blobafatt) #189

Please SD. This crash has ruined some of my best games I have been in. Seems like every time my team is really getting along this crash comes up and takes a dump on it. Recently its been crashing more on me while taking disguises or hacking comms as operative…

(Bartek) #190

Try disable CUDA or switch PhysX to cpu

(Junkie219) #191

I’ve played ~3 hours and had no freeze or crash. What i did? Start windows in the safemode and reinstall the graphiccard-driver. Then start windows and have fun with Brink. I don’t know if it works on your computer, but i hope so. :wink:

And guys, big sorry for my bad english. :frowning:

(Arthur Hucksake) #192

I only witnessed this issue the one time, but that’s one time too many if it’s an issue with the game itself.

I don’t want my rigs registry and files being screwed up by a blatant game flaw.

I suspect there is a serious problem with Open GL 3.1 and the newer nvidia cards thats only come to light now. Everyone has been too busy playing Direct X titles for it to become an apparent issue.

Regardless, if its not resolved I want my money back from someone whether its Splash Damage, Bethesda or nVidia.

(Deman) #193

For NVIDIA users goto the NVIDIA control panel, goto the 3d settings part and disable cuda. Thats what fixed it for me. You can also try changing the energymode I read something about that but didn’t try it since disabling cuda worked for me.

(TheAlchemist) #194

It seemed to work for me, for a time. I did a few of the challenges, but then got the same error.

(Junkie219) #195

And again. After ~3 1/2h perfect running the game crashes with this stupid reason!! -.-
Only Brink crash…

(Blobafatt) #196

To be honest I wouldn’t be mucking around with anything outside of the game due to it being a sole problem within Brink. That includes rolling back drivers and anything to do with Windows/Nvidia settings. To all of you posting these work arounds in attempts to cure this, you’re wasting your time and giving bad advice. Chances are you will screw someones system up beyond the game for trying a half thought out plan. We just need to be patient. This thread is for the developers to take notice at this blatant bug within the game for THEM to fix it. Not us.

(Buzzkill17) #197

I did some research about error code 8 opengl we all been having and saw a post talking about how Opengl has problems with threaded optimization back with drivers 260. I turned that off and it seems to be working now. It jerks sometimes but it at least it works. I been playing 3 hours with no crashes.

edit:Just had a crash, does not work.

(ReturnOfSanta) #198

What’s your CPU/Video Card and what’s the FPS you get with Threaded Optimization off?

(Amon Amarth) #199

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is truly the largest failed launch of the year so far. In a couple of days, I will not even care about this game, because The Witcher 2 will be out.

I truly regret spending $50 for this beta test. Any future projects involving Splash Damage (or team leads from that group) will be certainly out of my list of games to buy.

(Buzzkill17) #200

I have an E8400 @ 3.0GHz
GTX 460 SE

I’m getting about 40-70 frames, sometimes it gets to 30 but quikcly goes back up.