Is it still possible to get the specifications and the documentation of the etqw remote console ? I want to build a script that is triggered by the “end of game event”.
Thanks in advance !
Is it still possible to get the specifications and the documentation of the etqw remote console ? I want to build a script that is triggered by the “end of game event”.
Thanks in advance !
SDnet protocol specs unreleased.
to exec “end of game” event server-side, you just need access to you [rented]server and basic server-whoring skills.
Thank you brbrbr, but I don’t want to exec this event, I only want to know when a game is over. I thought that a client connected to remote console receive a message when a game ends.
I suppose it is possible, as NTB (a rcon tool) sends a end-game chat message with player ranking. Or maybe I’m wrong, maybe remote console is not the right way to do that.
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It seems that rcon is not usefull here. The getinfo request is more appropriate : with frequent scans it is possible to detect when a game ends.
I’ll try to reverse-engine the getinfo request to understand its meaning, as it seems that there is no more documentation available on it
Edit : I’ll look into existing open source server tracking tools, some of them supports etqw
Here’s some info about the serverinfo http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/Server_query_protocol#ET:QW_version
You probably want to check if gameState == 4
good to hear.
point is harder to advise next time something to anyone w/o context, like “i want to wrote server browser” or " i want/plan to build ultra-super-duper-handy ETQW tool, that do xxx and yyy and probably xyyyz, but for ZZxy feat i need way to know xYfde to know &S state in near-real-time" or “i write uber-hyper cheat for sale” -slike shape, is always had to understand best way[there always more than one route] 2 do it.
Yes, good point brbrbr, I haven’t explained the context.
I want to build a stat tracking system for one etqw server that would process server stats files at the end of each game, and then save players stats into a database. This database shall be queryied by a web server that will generate stats pages on demand.
The problem is that stats files are named with players name+tag. I want to save stats by account, because another player could “steal” another player name and interfere with stats.
I need to identify each player and link with his account, I think it is possible if this supposition is correct :
So in other words, you want to single handily re-introduce stats, which while a sound idea, will bring back some problems such as stat padding and not helping a team. Good luck with that.
NTB uses the info request Murka linked to. It polls the server every 30 seconds (although you can change that) and since the map end state is also 30 seconds, that should give you a result 99.99% of the times.
The reply gives you the player name you see on screen, but it also includes the clan tag and the clan tag position, which means you have enough information to distil the actual account name which is unique.
You can query any server without knowing the rcon password and get that same information from it. You need to know the rcon password to use pb_sv_plist and I’m not sure it would add much unless you want to provide stats that combine the results of different accounts.
Let’s say player X has two accounts:
If you rely on the info request you won’t be able to combine the stats for player X since there’s no way for you to figure out that player1 and player2 are “related” based on the information you get. You will have to find a way to store the pbguids and the associated account names to accomplish that.
Dr. Funkenstein
Thank you for your reply, Dr. Funkenstein!
I thought that the player name was not unique, you’re right : pb_sv_plist and rcon are not necessary.
In summary, we need :
its could be valuable.
extremely, if/when Activision drops ETQW support[wich is unlikely, both because reputation care and plans about QW IP].
but before its happen, their lawyers can harass anyone who try do/publish/deploy something like that, likely :-/
Glad to be of service.
@Dthwhs.: people still disconnect when they’re losing, go spec or swap to the winning side, whore for XP etc, even though the official stats site has been down for more then a year now.
Dr. Funkenstein
Finally I stopped coding this stats server website because it has the inconvenient constraint of fetching stats text files in the game server stats directory. Actually, if I want to seperate the website of the game server, I have two solutions :
Anyway, it seems to work well when everything is on the same computer. I made a copy of the website on my free hosting - http://oss.binhoster.com