Retake of the Andes Beta 2 was released.
Here you can download the file ready* for Nirvana Event and ETQWPro:
You also can download the file from the Nirvana Server at The file is there since 2 of may (you already downloaded it if you played at Nirvana server since that day).
- ready means: with the megatexture inside the PK4 file and with .DAT extension.
Changes on B2:
- Removed 5 secondary objectives, including the barricades;
- Removed areas related only to those 5 secondary objectives;
- Added archs in place of the barricades;
- Added more archs in other hill passages;
- Added new way for strogg to reach capturable spawn;
- Closed many underground passages;
- Opened passages on outdoor walls;
- Performance optimizations;
- Reduced number of batches;
- Simplifyed structures;
- Reduced triangle count;
- Removed some outdoor<->indoor passages;- Visual changes;
- Simplifyed some detailed areas;
- Removed most of the ambient musics;
- Removed Big Taz Outdoor;
- Reduced sniper towers height, and moved the strogg tower to near the transmition place;
- Changed one bridge position to better help strogg on recapture of the spawn;
- Fixed the GDF spawn under the ground;
- Changed position of a hog and a husky in third objective;
- Moved some objects out of the usual player path.
Images from B2: