(Apples) #21

Someone got a !tree attack! up his arse it seems :smiley:

(kamikazee) #22

[QUOTE=3b0la;274474]… (not quoted to allow for self-censoring) …[/QUOTE]Hurray for taking constructive critique personal! (Hint: you are not your map.)

It seems there is still some work in the visuals or marketing department. I bluntly opened this thread and saw “release”, yet your screenshots show a map with weird contrast.

Further reading tells me this is beta 1, but you might want to be more clear about it, or redefine your definition of “beta”. It means different things to different people.

(.Chris.) #23

It was also released a year ago, I don’t get why the map author has only just now read the feedback :slight_smile:

If you are wanting to work on the map again 3b0la, let us know, I’ll post some of my ideas and feedback.

(3b0la) #24

Too busy with work to continue the map. If someone got free time to finish it, i give the files.