Ranks - stats

(ispellcorrectly) #1

Is there anything that still tracks the et:qw stats now?

if not, why am I paying more to host a ranked server, and why do people prefer to play on ranked servers? whats the difference?

(light_sh4v0r) #2

Ingame your stats should still track. Nowhere else they update though afaik, and there is no difference between ranked/unranked servers.

(ispellcorrectly) #3

do people still play for rank?

(timestart) #4

If they don’t know that it’s down they probably still will.

(AnthonyDa) #5

No, there is no more updates of the stats. You can look at your stats ingame but it will stay the same forever, they aren’t updated anymore now that stats server is officially down.

(otakustar) #6

arrgh, there’s one point lacking for my battlesense-wreath :o

(ispellcorrectly) #7

did SD announce the take down the of the stats site?

(AnthonyDa) #8

Why would they do ? It’s only related to Actifail.

(ispellcorrectly) #9

ooo yea, my bad! forgot activision was the giveruppers.

(DrFunkenstein) #10

I somehow doubt SD knew about this beforehand and they don’t seem to have much control over it either. The official stats site stopped updating the player data at some point last year and it took only a couple months to get it working again. That should tell you something. It disappeared completely when Activision “reorganized” their corporate site after New Year, but it should be online again as I write this. Someone posted the new link a while ago, I checked it back then and it was up, but it wasn’t updating the player data at that time. I don’t know the current situation.

And to answer another question of yours, yes, people still play for rank and xp :frowning: .


Dr. Funkenstein

(Nail) #11

stats server has been taken down by Activision, there are no more ranked games, “all matches are unranked”

if your GSP is charging you for ranked access, that’s now fraud

(Susefreak) #12

try searching on these forums

(Nail) #13

for what, your stats ?


(Susefreak) #14

no for an answer, before posting YAST (Yet another stats topic)

(light_sh4v0r) #15

why would he post another YAST if he just posted the answer to every YAST.

(ispellcorrectly) #16


(otakustar) #17

lol @ SUSE for YAST - YMMD!
now I’m gonna join a YUMmy game of ET:QW to FC all ya :stuck_out_tongue:

(otakustar) #18

epic trolling btw :infiltrator:

(AnthonyDa) #19

No troll here dude. When the website containing stats went down/frozen, you could still see your stats up to date ingame and it was updated correctly, now it’s not anymore since all party are unranked.

(otakustar) #20

it’s still updating in game, just got my wreath and ranked up,
I don’t play for ranks and go for objectives (~ 800h and no supcom (also I like to obli-n00b around…))
so actifailinfo still is wrong, would be nice to get an official sd statement on this, 'specially the ranked servers thing, pl0x.