Ranked points : too hard to earn ?

(Eox) #1

I’m making this thread following a discussion we had on the official Discord. @stayfreshshoe was among us.

Long story short : what do you think about the amount of ranked points earned ?

In my case. I know a lot of people think it’s too few. It can indeed be understandable since you need at least 50 matches to earn your points. If you keep losing you will need at least 100 matches in order to get a single ranked case. Draws brings out a solid 30 ranked points.

I suggested to set that amount to 50/40/30 as a start, but some people brought up that it could give to some players incentives to surrender games instead of actually playing. Which is actually very likely right. After all, we don’t want people who would throw every single games just to grind ranked as far as they can. There’s probably a way to prevent that though.

(fasT32) #2

Just make it so it’s based on time spent in the match.

For a win, (minutes in match) multiplied by a factor of 2.

For a draw, the factor would be 1.5

For a loss, make it 1.

This would make it so you can still earn 30 ranked points for a loss if it’s a close match, 45 for a draw, and up to 60 for a close match that ended in a win.

(auwi) #3

Making it based on time seems the best, it’ll be a lot harder to throw games and in comparison should feel a lot more rewarding if you just barely manage to win vs completely failing.

(ThePigVomit) #4

Feel fortunate they give you ANYTHING AT ALL for being on the losing side.

Yeah it’s a grind, but for regular players ranked points accrue at an acceptable pace.

I’m starting thus season with 4k points. That is after buying the trinket and obsidian from last season.

I ended up as a silver specialist.

(Ayman_Haque) #5

instead of getting
50 for WIN . 20 for a DRAW . and 10 for LOSE it should be 250 for WIN . 100 for a DRAW . and 60- 70 for LOSE
For placement matches nothing changes
first 10 match {placement matches} you get 50 for win 20 for draw and 10 for lose

(Eox) #6

@Ayman_Haque said:
instead of getting
50 for WIN . 20 for a DRAW . and 10 for LOSE it should be 250 for WIN . 100 for a DRAW . and 60- 70 for LOSE
For placement matches nothing changes
first 10 match {placement matches} you get 50 for win 20 for draw and 10 for lose

That’s like… WAAAAAAAAY too much.

(PeterComputer) #7

@auwi said:
Making it based on time seems the best, it’ll be a lot harder to throw games and in comparison should feel a lot more rewarding if you just barely manage to win vs completely failing.

Agreed! Getting so close to a win only to have it snatched away from you in the last minute is really frustrating. Not because you lost the match, but because now you’ll have to spend up to 2 more hours farming away those 40 ranked points you could’ve won in the first place.

@fasT32 said:
Just make it so it’s based on time spent in the match.

For a win, (minutes in match) multiplied by a factor of 2.

For a draw, the factor would be 1.5

For a loss, make it 1.

This would make it so you can still earn 30 ranked points for a loss if it’s a close match, 45 for a draw, and up to 60 for a close match that ended in a win.

I actually feel like this may be a good system! Maybe bump up the multipliers a bit though (3 per win, 1.75 for draws and 1.25 per loss sounds reasonable).

I do agree with Eox though. Right now, earning points is way too slow; 50 matches minimum per case is ludicrous.

(kittz0r) #8

There shouldnt be any reward, fucking casuals destroy whole gaming because they can’t handle anything. Oh no, i get only 10 points for losing but i did go 1/1000 and revived 2 people.

(Melinder) #9

No thanks to time spent. 30 minutes of queuing for a 5 minute game. Gonna take me the entire season to get one case.

(Gi.Am) #10

DB Forums still Standing ?! :wink: .

Anyways I’m absolutely in the don’t incentives people throwing games for the fast lost points.
So I would argue that the current ratio between win/loss needs to be maintained or even increased.

That said I could see the general ammounts be a bit more.

Also @fasT32 Idea of a match length based increase sounds like an intriguing idea. Especially since it would properly reward long and hard fought out matches between two equal teams the most.

Only caviat for this is that the predicted to be stronger team (higher average rank) needs to go first. Otherwise the ammount for fullhold stomps gets wrongly inflated.

(Homu1124) #11

@fasT32 said:
Just make it so it’s based on time spent in the match.

For a win, (minutes in match) multiplied by a factor of 2.

For a draw, the factor would be 1.5

For a loss, make it 1.

This would make it so you can still earn 30 ranked points for a loss if it’s a close match, 45 for a draw, and up to 60 for a close match that ended in a win.

This really should be a thing. Reward players who put in the time and the effort to fight the good fight rather than reward steamrolls and disincentivize solos giving their all to fight against such steamrolls. The wait before the steamroll is also salt on the wounds of the measly 10 points that reflect none of the effort a player puts in.
I will say this, don’t assume the worst in people in terms of reward “farming”. Don’t make it so that you get more rewards by playing unrewarding ranked while paying more money to boost those rewards. Make a system to actually take player effort (points, objectives completed, players revived, etc.) into account for points. Like 10 revives giving a ranked point or something like that. Or try giving a scaled bonus of 0.001 percent of a players score. For an average sw player earning 10000 points, that would give an extra 10 ranked points, making the effort more worth it.

(dgeesio) #12

yes and the main reason is…because there is no balance in ranked.

what happens and why many don’t play ranked is a group of people who are probably decent together on voice coms are on other team. your team group of randoms probably new.

match starts any veterans either know its slaughter so sit back get some kills or rage quit.new players have no idea get rinsed for the next 30 minutes straight and never go back to ranked again.

if you lose you get no incentive to play again if you win and its a hard game you get 50 points.cards are like 1000 so its a whole lot of either getting a good team with randoms if on your own literally doesnt happen or you stack with mates and grind through 20 games for one card which may not be even good.

you need to give either more points for playing ranked and mix teams at the start and disable swapping sides.just random mix up then start.

(GatoCommodore) #13

@dgeesio said:
yes and the main reason is…because there is no balance in ranked.

what happens and why many don’t play ranked is a group of people who are probably decent together on voice coms are on other team. your team group of randoms probably new.

match starts any veterans either know its slaughter so sit back get some kills or rage quit.new players have no idea get rinsed for the next 30 minutes straight and never go back to ranked again.

if you lose you get no incentive to play again if you win and its a hard game you get 50 points.cards are like 1000 so its a whole lot of either getting a good team with randoms if on your own literally doesnt happen or you stack with mates and grind through 20 games for one card which may not be even good.

you need to give either more points for playing ranked and mix teams at the start and disable swapping sides.just random mix up then start.

this is why ranked minimum should be level 25 instead of the present one.

(FalseLumpy) #14

Could give 5 extra ranked points for every 5k score points you earn, plus the base ranked points you’d get for a W/D/L. The base ranked points could also be affected by the length of match.

(frostyvampire) #15

Would be nice if it was based on match length.
Maybe points earned could be 20% of the credits you earned that game (not counting boosters and missions) or something

(K1X455) #16

bottom scorers should get 10 credits for a losing match;

rage quitters should get -20 credits

you know what should be done to hackers.

(FalseLumpy) #17

Being bottom score doesn’t really mean you did poorly tho, and someone crashing could be wrongly punished. @K1X455

(Ptiloui) #18

Different amount of points should be earned depending on win, draw or loss. But we should also earn bonus point based on personal performance. Like K/D ratio during assault merc playtime, support xp during medic merc playtime, etc, to incentivize people doing their job.
Also, our rank gain/loss should take into account the rank of the enemy team. If i lost a game against a superior team but my personal perf is good (considering class played), i shouldn’t lost the same amount of points as a player that did a worst perf.

(neverplayseriou) #19

fine as it is considering we have the end of season bonus.

(Drac0rion) #20

If you’re in ranked for the shinys, you’re not in it for ranked.

The whole point is to determine your skill.

If people get more points for score, people will start to XP whore.
K/D based? People will start playing overly safe.
Time based? Defenders will start giving in and allowing attackers to progress all the way towards the last objective if they know they’re better and can crush them in the second round, so stomps will just be delayed, cause even the losing side wouldn’t surrender if they know how many points they can still make.

There is no NEED for the shinys, therefore there is no need for more points.
These ranked skins are just a silly way to include people who wouldn’t play ranked in the first place.