Ranked Matchmaking is Beyond Broken

(Begin2018) #41

Yes but don’t worry, SD is increasing the ranked rewards, that will magically fix the issues!

(Teflon Love) #42

@Splicerrr said:

@RaspberryChewy said:
It’s just that Matchmaking in Silver is a Random Lottery, you either get a GG team, Kerbstomp the enemy. Then say “GG close game” or they are on the losing side. This is unacceptable and really needs to be @$!# fixed…

This necro xD

The sad things is that although this thread is almost a year old, everything people said back then still holds true and none of the suggestions have been picked up. :disappointed:

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #43

@StIwY said:
Just another example. From time to time i like to shoot a screenshot of this madness.


B) 6/10 players unranked B)

Welcome to Hell?

PS. Please end my suffering; just end it all!

(Eox) #44

Closing due to necro.