I just played the most unbalanced game of DB I have ever played… in ranked of all places where supposedly we are matched by skill. I’m currently sitting at Silver Specialist rank and have played decent matches with occasionally getting matched with complete idiots who don’t know what they’re doing in-game. At least they are usually handy in a firefight, even if they have no idea what an EV is. But this evening I encountered something so incredibly frustrating I have to ask how the fuck this even happened. All the names have been scribbled out to avoid “naming and shaming”.
Here’s the end of the match:
Here’s mid match:
And here’s my “team” of supposedly balanced and ranked players:
And here’s our enemy team:
They ranged from silver recruit to silver officer in rank.
Only TWO of my team members were even ranked! What the actual fuck? How in the world does this happen? I solo qued so it’s not like I got paired against a 5 man team. I just have no clue how this could possibly be considered “balanced” in any way, shape, or form. Heck, it shouldn’t even be counted as a legitimate match. 3 of my 4 team members were all running default load outs of either Aura, Sky hammer, Thunder, or Proxy (all of which are free right now btw).
Can someone please explain to me how this happened? If this is supposed to be a fore runner to CMM count me out. I’ll be long gone before that happens.