QW World Cup Splash Damage Team

(Ads913) #1

Looking for some real splash damage employees to put a team together for the world cup.
Ideally looking for 6 players. If i cannot get anyone i will open it up to Forum users who have not registered there interest. i am also looking for some irish,welsh,Canadian and some Asia/Chinese/Japanese players.
If interested please contact me at ads913@gmail.com team registration ends Monday 23rd.

(Seanza) #2

Wait, normal people couldn’t make a mix team but the SD employees can make a team? What happened to the “We’re trying to run it like the real world cup” rule? I won’t flame, though. Simply because I know SD won’t win if MoP is playing (violator beacon magnet, right MoP!?) and also because competition is competition and ETQW activity is ETQW activity :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep up what you’re doing, but be open to suggestions and ideas : )

(Slade05) #3

If MoP is in, I`m willing to participate.
There will never be enough scalps of him!

(Ads913) #4

Is it possible to get some encouragement.

(INF3RN0) #5

Aren’t they all busy with something? I forget what it was exactly… hmm

(bladder25) #6

I am cumming in my pants with pretty little flowers and fluffy bunnies and:stroggtapir:

(DodgyEmbalmer) #7

Im in and Im a noob, peoples republic of quake war noobs. Going to be a good one Ads, better than last year and prizes too thanks to the splashdamage guys :slight_smile:

(Gradis) #8

still need some taffs

(Ads913) #9

git and voods should play.I heard dropper and jammie will play .Grad

(ED209) #10

Australia sorta comes under Oceania not Asia

(Ads913) #11

Hi Ed
You fancy playing .You can play for rest of the world if you want .Or put a Aussie team together.:o

(Singh400) #12

Stop hassling us Ads… :wink:

(light_sh4v0r) #13

Oooh, it’s Singh! :o
I cannot even remember the last time I saw you, that must’ve been at least 2 years…

(Apples) #14

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;237027]Oooh, it’s Singh! :o
I cannot even remember the last time I saw you, that must’ve been at least 2 years…[/QUOTE]

Need to play moar then :wink:

(Singh400) #15

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;237027]Oooh, it’s Singh! :o

I cannot even remember the last time I saw you, that must’ve been at least 2 years…[/QUOTE]It has been a very long time indeed :wink:

[QUOTE=Apples;237042]Need to play moar then ;)[/QUOTE]Ahhh Apples, hope you are looking after my hill on Sewer :smiley:

(ED209) #16

Might see if we can get an Aussie team… if not I can join team laggariffic :frowning:

(Ads913) #17

Sure Ed .I get you play in the Rest of the world team.
Bloody Singh he still thnks hes Jack Bauer.

(light_sh4v0r) #18

That guy has a massive alcohol addiction, not sure you want to be him :tongue:

(Apples) #19

Indeed, I’m a bit rusty to hold it alone tho :wink: Need your arse back there asap!