QW:ET Question

(EvilBaga) #1

As a long time Player of Wolfenstein :ET, who hasnt played the Beta of QW:ET…

Tell me, does QW:ET have that annoying I-can-lean-around-corners-and-sometimes-even-prime-a-grenade-without-having-a-player-animation-for-it-so-I-can-camp-more-effectively feature?

(Snoofer) #2

there is an animation

but I personally dont use lean, I have no free keys
its more fun to use stroy-to-health in combat and have keys for knife and weapon, who needs lean?

(gloowa) #3

more then animation, there even is hitbox which moves actually so you can be hit :slight_smile:

lean is good to defend long corridors. on shorter distance it’s call “throw nade here!”

(M8DNanite) #4

Yes, you can lean in ET:QW and even shoot normally while leaning, not just grenades.