QuakeCon Schedule

(GlobalWar) #61

I really like watching Paul when he is telling about Quake Wars. You can really see he is very enthousiastic about the game and it makes me VERY much wanting the game or demo :slight_smile:

Paul, you also rule as a commercial guy. EA doesn’t stand a change when you are talking :clap:

(senator) #62

(RosOne) #63

external beta tests? :D[/quote]

External as in not in London I guess :wink:

(Lanz) #64

Unfortunately because of the interviewer and/or Paul, he sounded like a broken record. Nothing new what so ever, only things we’ve heard 10 times before.

(figvam) #65

Here’s some beta info from Kevin Cloud & Paul Wedgwood interview taken by Gamespy:

To that end, a rolling beta is planned for Quake Wars, which will initially start small but eventually roll out the public in some limited capacity. “It’s hard to nail down a date,” says Cloud, when asked when a public beta might start. “We’ll start off with an Activision development team, and then a ‘friends and family’ type of group with all the maps, and then in terms of going out to the public, it would be a limited amount of maps to get feedback on the general types of gameplay and objectives and see how they play out.”

(kamikazee) #66

Though I don’t know any Activision folks, which is plain bad.

(Joe999) #67

does anyone have a vid of the “Splash Damage – From Mods to Mission Pack - Becoming Professionals Using id Technology” workshop?