well, in that case carnage, I would call them meetings, otherwise it has a different meaning, ask eb
QuakeCon Schedule
If someone asks you what the date is today do you say “Its 2006, 8th of August”?
I say “its August 8th, 2006”.
So Month/Day/Year probably comes from common sense, seeing as it closely resembles how a person would actually say the date.
Also, when you want to know the date, isn’t it true that you already know the year? Barring any time travel you may be doing, most people need the year information the least, hence it makes sense to have the year last. Month and Day could be interchangeable here, with the day being the most important (because you know the month most of the time), but if people normally say ‘its August 8th’ rather than ‘its the 8th of August’, then the mm/dd before yy makes sense also.
Maybe that last part about the mm/dd doesn’t make sense in some languages that have opposite structure to English though.
Well, to add my 2 worthless cents, or 1/100s of a Euro:
What really confuses me is that
September is the ninth month,
October is the tenth,
November eleventh, and
December twelveth.
Stupidass Romans. I’m glad their Empire failed, you know.
prolly cause March used to be the first month
Immediately after the Julian reform, the twelve months of the Roman calendar were named Ianuarius, Februarius, Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Iunius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December, just as they were before the reform. Their lengths were set to their modern values. The old intercalary month, the Mensis Intercalaris, was abolished and replaced with a single intercalary day at the same point (i.e. five days before the end of Februarius). The first month of the year continued to be Ianuarius, as it had been since 153 BC.
The Romans later renamed months after Julius Caesar and Augustus, renaming Quintilis (originally, “the Fifth month”, with March = month 1) as Iulius (July) in 44 BC and Sextilis (“Sixth month”) as Augustus (August) in 8 BC. (Note that the letter J was not invented until the 16th century). Quintilis was renamed to honour Caesar because it was the month of his birth. According to a senatusconsultum quoted by Macrobius, Sextilis was renamed to honour Augustus because several of the most significant events in his rise to power, culminating in the fall of Alexandria, fell in that month.
some new pics at http://www.quakecon.org and more at http://www.qconpics.org/2006
lol, the quakers are kept like breeding cattle
here’s a pic of the quake wars setup:
taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/endenizen/205444673/in/set-72157594222389444/
does anyone know if they managed to set up live cams for quake con? urls?
Seems like the exact same setup they’ve used for E3.
Anyone know if they’ll be using a different demo/map?
August 3rd, 2006 at 9:20am; Stardate -316412.63
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a different build, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same one. I’m pretty sure they’ll use the same map. It kind of ruins the surprise of the game if people already have detailed information about 3 of the 9 maps or whatever. I don’t have any solid intelligence from local squirrels on this event.
wow… look at this space! :eek: :eek2:
I bet 2 or 3 people on that huge audience will actually understand something when Carmack starts his keynote.
30 min left for the thing to start. WHERE’S THE VIDEOS ALREADY?!?! :banghead:
That must be the:
“Time and date formats - history, today and future”-discussion forum.
GamerNode should really think about having someone “who is excited about the release” do the interviewing in the future.
That chap (reporter) did the job of a poorly written questionnaire.
Locki, on the other hand, did an excellent job of being cool.
Here’s to 7 more QuakeCons for ya Locki !
He speaks english like english people! I was in London in my 9th grade on a school trip, boat from Gothenburg,
The language of James Bond! Remember that halloween special-episode of Simpsons when Pierce Bronsan did the voice of an evil computer that controlled their house?
I want to try the game. PM me and Ill send the postal address for a dvd. Ort diskette depending on how big it is.