This could mean more videos and more impressions of the game.
QuakeCon officially announced
It’ll certainly mean more impressions, although the quality of those impressions may vary somewhat
This is where I let out an evil cackle and release the hounds, right?
I just meant that the majority of impressions of the game so far have come from journalists or other industry people, and your average gamer’s opinion is likely to vary slightly more, from ‘it rocks!’, right through to a rambling critique centred on how Tribes did everything better in 1999.
A good point, but the gaming media doesn’t usually relate to the hardcore. On top of that, it’s usually pretty sub-standard when compared to other areas of journalism. I think I might give more weight to the tribe fanatic over most gaming journalists.
A good editorial from E3:
I think SD has a hit on their hands…simply because every video I’ve seen of gameplay at E3, where you could see the people playing… they were all glued to their screens.
I love the Tribes series. Played the first for like 5 years. I had alot of fun with Vengeance, but I think the series is dead now…it sold like 27,000 copies lol. Splash Damage should make Tribes 4
Wrong. This is where you let out an evil moo and release the tapirs.
Come on, man. You’re slipping.
:moo: :tapir:
I think we both know that an evil mooing noise and the releasing of tapirs would cause more harm than good, for us and our future generations. Won’t someone think of the children?
I generally agree with you, except that I don’t think gaming journalism is particularly bad relative to other areas. When I said the quality of response from actual gamers would be more varied, I really meant just that - not that it would be worse, or better overall, but both. Games journalists tend to give the same impressions across the board, because they’re all mostly writing for the same audience, and know what works.
Im sure people will welcome it none the less, I can see your protecting your baby Wils.
Look, I’ll release the tapirs if I have to, but I’m not going to be responsible for getting them back.
We’re not sure yet. Might not be anyone - the guys from id and Nerve are more than capable of showing off the game (they did an excellent job of it at E3 with us).
how 'bout a streaming webcam directly pointed to a screen which is running quake wars in order to show the game to the masses? most certainly will cause a network breakdown, but i think it’s worth the try
Grrreat, I can’t wait for a next dose of insightful reports like I played it, and it’s great..
bah! Then I’m not going. TBH, I don’t think I’m going to make it anyways. … possibly in 2007 if they’re running a QW tournament and if I’m still involved in the community, but I don’t see much for me this year, except to try out QW
Where do I sign the petition “Get the Splashers out of their tapir holes and into QuakeCon”? C’mon, guys, you know QuakeCon isn’t complete without ya, right? I’d be bored out of my wits.
You better be involved! We’re going to need a mapper to abuse and underappreciate!
In my opinion, RTCW, BF, MOH, and others, are complementary games, each one puts to community a piece of their invention, the users choose on each moment which kind of game they want to play, the industry improves, innovates and the users choose.
This era is the GIANT battlefield games, with BIIIIGGGGG war machines and future wars era.
ALL Shooters games are a ‘copy’ of original Doom 3D
Personally, RTCW demo version (i had no money) gets me into 3D FPS games, before that game, i hated those kind of games.
Battlefield gave me the vision of driven machines at battlefield and saw some physics effects over machines and gravity rules. The only perception to me was that drive a machine at battlefield was (in esence… only in esence, i know it has some code back of it) that you only had to change camera point of view and you can fly.
All games gives to community ideas and different ways to play and perceive the ‘virtual reallity’ created for you…
I think ‘Real’ Virtual Reality will be the next step in idsoftware and game makers I don’t know how much time we will spend on it, but we will get there.
The actual game development is at a good real visual stage.