Quake wars xp??

(SpetSnaZ) #1

How is the XP in wolf ET inbedded in the quake wars game??
Is this more or less similar, completely different or left out?
I am a noob, sorry.
BTW i am really looking forward to the game. :banana:
And if it sucks (what i dont think) i can always go back to wolf ET.WOOT

Greetz SpetSnaZ.

(SpetSnaZ) #2

Hopefully Splash Damage’s goal to make the most promising map designs their focus will result in more, better maps than a large but haphazard collection. The plan is to have three maps per ‘campaign’, after which the rank and abilities a player gains for his character classes are reset and he’ll start with basic capabilities again.

I found the answer partly

(bobjones) #3

i think there is an overall ranking as well. but not really like bf2.
its more of like…how long youve been playing + how skillful you play

not necessarily how many frags you have

(Diecast5) #4

Yes true, but whan I was playing Tribes 2 while back , like 6 day’s ago I took it off my pc ,
well anyway’s in tribes 2 there were browsers of your stats’s , it had lot’s of stuff in it like kill stats, head shot’s , ect. ect . And it would give you a % rate as well the last time I look in my browser it was [ not bragin ] 2.78430 or some thing like that , It would be cool to see that in ET-QW but who know till then we all just have to wait and see. and most player were high and flag cappers were low , there where Defence , midfiled , offence sorry [im a bad speller] , you know what I meen , Im hopen it will be a browser stats thing and a chat room like Tribes it was fun and all.

(Hakuryu) #5

I can do without all the ingame chat, email, and other mess they put into Tribes 2, but I do agree the stats were cool. In fact that is one of the few things I liked about BF2… when the stats weren’t outrageously bugged.

It really bugs me, especially in a single player game when you don’t get any feedback about your play this way. It’s not like it’s hard to program, just updating stat variables and having a formatted view of them later, but apparently not important to developers.

In ET you have quite a bit of stats at the end of a match, but they are bugged to high hell… sometimes I seem to throw 4,000 satchels in a map somehow, and these sort of things shouldn’t be incorporated into overall accuracy. I would love to see a lifetime stat viewer in Quake Wars, with many entries, including stuff like teamkills by weapon and life expectancy in each vehicle (average of how long you stay alive in each). I had a stat ‘Most time dropped the flag’ in my short lived Tribes mod, and really like those sort of strange stats.

I know in Tribes 1 a user made script kept track of alot of stuff like this, but I think these days you would need to mod something which would give you invalid pk3 errors to get the same result.

(bobjones) #6

diecast - just start playing in a server that keeps stats.

(SpetSnaZ) #7

Which server reminds stats??
Use statwhore and save ur own stats.