Quake Wars VS Counter-strike

(Jaquboss) #1

hmm i suggest downloading and playing current ET it is very funny game, also check True Combat Elite it is very good done game…
BTW ET has Last man standing, but it isnt played as much, in TCE it is Counter-strike style objective with one life, only diffirence between CS de gametype and TCE obj gametype is that TCE can have custom objective ( bringing something somewhere, blowing something else than crate and so , similar to ET )
So check this :wink:
I think that ETQW will be a bit like Battlefield 2 but i dont know really…

(Floris) #2

I love the CoD2 multiplayer, you should check it out. You can get an illegal version to check if you like the game (There are some cracked servers) but the full game is truely worth the money.

(kamikazee) #3

No offence to you or CS, but I do not agree with you there.
-Waiting till you respawn “chokes” the game in my eyes. I want a little more speed. Especially since you can take back that camper by shooting his ass.
-More reality gives more gameplay problems, or at least change it completely.

Given that, there’s at least one gamer less who wants those 2 things, and I’m sure I’m not toally on my own. This way, you just have to find developer who think like you and you cannot want they’ll be all like that. (I can’t claim that too)

(au.Hiroshima>) #4

It is good that you find the game to make you happy for so long! :clap:

indeed. An unfortunate trait of free online games, it would seem. :bored:

Surely they are blinded by inspiration and creativity!! But who is to make games for the people who don’t like games like counterstrike :???:


(Cerebrate) #5

Britney Spears’ immense popularity is because she’s the best musician out there.

(Nail) #6

waaah !!! I thought it was Ashley Simpson

(Zenix) #7

And McDonalds makes the highest quality food in the world.

(Joe999) #8

so what is wrong with your counter strike then? why don’t you play that? there’s already CS:Source out, how about playing that?

it will be better, heck even ET is still better than CS:Source. i never was into CS, so i bought HL2 when it came out. lucky me i enjoyed the SP for one game, because the MP simply is just no fun for me. CS is just simple stupid action with no diversity.

(zeh) #9

My mother is better than all your mothers.

(Smit) #10

Could Quake Wars be better than Counter-strike?

It is!!!1!

(Bongoboy) #11

You know, it’s almost as if different people liked different things…

(SCDS_reyalP) #12

Yes, but the important thing to remember is that all those other people who like things I don’t like are WRONG!

(Bongoboy) #13

There’s an old Kalahari proverb that goes something like “Speak softly, and carry Admin priveleges”…