Quake Wars Online Scary

(ED209) #1

Check out the movie on the QW Online mainpage…


(Loffy) #2

Cool film - nice find. Thx for sharing.

(tokamak) #3

DUDE they stole the DAWN mod!

(ED209) #4

Damn it Australia should have put in a bid for QWO

(.Chris.) #5

Dusk mod…

(Susefreak) #6

Who’s DAWN?

(Crytiqal) #7

Susefreak, do you have a client version of Quake Wars Online, working?

I stumbled on a pastebin of yours. :wink:

(.Chris.) #8

I had one but kept getting messages from my anti virus about some crap so uninstalled.

(Susefreak) #9

Nah it keeps on crapping out on me. Pretty much gave up on it.

(INF3RN0) #10

Hmm, I might give this a try. Still think L4D does it better… Strogg ain’t so scury :oppressor:.